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Celeste's POV

I wake up the next morning to see everyone else awake sitting on the bed.

Then we hear the door unlock ,which makes us all sit as far away from the door as possible.

"I made you guys some breakfast"he says holding 2 plates of egg and sprite.

"What'd you put in it"asks Robin suspiciously.

"Salt and pepper"he reply's laughing.

"Oh eat it don't eat it,your already down here ,what do I need to drug you guys for."he says bringing the rest of the plates of food then leaving ,leaving the door unlocked purposely.

Billy walks up to it about to open it when the phone starts ringing.

I quickly got up and answered it.

"Celesteee"I hear someone creepily whisper which scares me ,so I hang up the phone and back up.

Everyone else starts walking toward me asking what I heard when it starts ringing again.

I hesitantly pick up hearing the voice of someone familiar ,but I just couldn't figure out who it was.

"Don't hang up"

"I won't. But w-who is this?"I ask nervous for absolutely no reason at all.

"I-I don't know"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't remember ,that's the first thing you lose.
I like your curls."he says making me smile ,I know who this is.

"Your Adam Winfield."I smile.

"Do not go upstairs"he says loosing the nice tone he had ,switching to a serious one.

"What is he doing?"

"He's waiting on the other side with that FUCKING belt. He didn't say you can leave so if you try ,he'll punish you. He'll beat you with that belt till you pass out. It hurts Celeste ,it hurts real bad. So you'll cry ,begging him to stop. We all did but he just keeps beating you."he says full of hate, reminding me a lot of my dad as I remember the feeling of his belt, one that I wouldn't like to remember or feel ever again.

Once Adam finishes he hangs up ,so I tell everyone everything he said,not making eye contact as I was to busy spacing out ,thinking about my dad.

When I finally look up at them noticing the silence ,i see them all staring at me ,with that same look of fucking pity.

Except Finn as he started tearing up losing the hopeful glint in his eyes.

Feeling bad I grab him and hug him ,feeling him tense up I start pulling away,before he quickly starts hugging back,as if noticing me getting farther from him.

I groaned softly so nobody could hear but Finn was pressing on my ribs and that shit hurt. But I didn't want to make him feel more bad ,so I didn't say anything.

I pulled away going to check if the grabber was really there.

Walking to the door I open it and walk up the steps,hearing the boys whisper yelling at me to come back.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now