Second day at Forks high

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Anya's pov: When I woke up, I felt hands on my waist and my cheek on a bare chest. I noticed that my surroundings were unfamiliar. I then remembered that I was at, my mate, Caeden's house. I got out of the bed, trying not to awaken Caeden and I was successful in doing so. I then trudged to the kitchen, wanting to have a blood bag before I jumped into the shower. After I finished my bag, which was breakfast, I walked upstairs to the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower. When it was hot enough, I stepped in, letting the water wake me up. After twenty minutes, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I then conjured an outfit to wear, which consisted of a pair of bell-bottom skinny jeans and a white long sleeve shirt, with a cream colored long sleeve jersey and knee high boots. Once I had my outfit on, I started on my hair which turned into a braided waterfall half-up style. After my teeth were brushed, I walked out of the bathroom and back to Caeden's room. I knocked on the door, knowing he was probably awake by now and I didn't want to walk in on him being nude.

When he opened the door he stood infront of me in a pair of black jeans, his chest bare as I felt my face getting a little flushed. "You look lovely" he said in a husky voice tone which was a little deeper as he'd just woken up a few minutes ago. "Thanks, Caeden. Would you mind perhaps putting a shirt on?" He chuckled at my question as he let me in, before reaching to get a shirt out of the drawers in his room. He put a navy blue one on before he walked over to me. I hooked my arm through his before we went downstairs again. After he had a blood bag, there was still an hour or so till I had to be in school, so I chatted with Caeden and occasionally texted Katherine.

After an hour, I walked to the front door of Caeden's house and opened it. I was greeted with pouring rain and obnoxiously loud thunder. Before I stepped outside, I gave Caeden a kiss on the cheek. I sighed as I conjured up a navy blue umbrella before stepping out into the pouring rain. Walking to my car I opened the driver's seat before getting inside and closing the umbrella, which had a waterproof charm on it, meaning the water that fell onto it, was non-existent. I started the engine and waved at Caeden before I drove away from the house.

Twenty minutes later, I arrived at school and parked my car, before getting the umbrella out again. As I stepped out of my warm car, I was greeted with a bone crushing hug from Rose and Alice. "Where the hell have you been?! School starts in ten minutes!" Exclaimed both girls as I chuckled, lying through my teeth, whilst keeping a steady heartbeat "Sorry, I accidentally overslept and Bella didn't want to wake me up" Both girls sighed as they hooked their arms through mine before we walked in the entrance of the school. My first class today was biology, which I wasn't entirely fond of.

In Biology, we had to cut open a pig's heart and name whether it was a vain of a blood vessel. After biology was finished, I had maths, and once again the teacher droned on and on about certain mathematical equations. I was relieved when that class finished as I had music for my next one. I walked to music and greeted Ms Martin who said "Hello Anya, stressful day so far?" I chuckled and replied with "Yeah, I just came from maths which was boring as hell. I don't even know why I still do it" I then grabbed the oak violin I played yesterday and started to do a little warm up. After about ten minutes, the class was full and we did the same thing as yesterday, only it was the students who hadn't gone. I decided, that even if I'd gone yesterday, I still played a song on the violin.

Third person pov: The melody of Titanium carried out thoroughly into the forest as Caeden Danvers listened to it, knowing Anya was probably the one playing it. The entire music class of Anya's was so amazed that the student who was playing, even stopped playing their instrument to listen. The cold-one vampires listening in awe as the eldest Swan played Titanium on the violin. "I've only known you for two days Anya and you've never once not ceased to amaze me. Wow, that talent of yours will take you places one-day." Said Ms Martin as the class clapped for the girl after she finished her performance. The bell rang as students flooded out of classes, heading to the cafeteria.

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