The second Monday at Forks high

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Anya's pov: The weekend flew by after Saturday night which was a blur might I add. It was soon Monday again and I had come back to dad's place earlier this morning. Anyway, it was around seven when I got up again, feeling a little weird because Caeden wasn't next to me, but that's besides the point. I walked to my closet and got a cream colored long sleeve jersey with a black leather jacket and black jeggings with black heeled ankle boots. For accessories I paired a black and gold clutch bag to go with my outfit, and for hair, I just left it down clipping some away from my face. I walked downstairs and saw dad burying himself in cases that he had yet to solve. "Morning dad, you alright?" I asked as he nodded, too engrossed in his files so I left him to do his work. "Is Edward back in town?" Bella asked when she saw me entering the kitchen. I scoffed and said "Wow! Not even a "good morning sister, did you sleep well?" But yes he's back in town." Bella smiled as she grabbed a granola bar before heading to the door.

I sighed as I gave dad a kiss on the cheek before going out the door. I got into my car and started it before driving to school. On the way there my radio station said "Good morning folks. We're back in time for Star's new song which Martin had realesed yesterday night at midnight. Say hello to "Beating heart" by Star." I laughed lightly as I sang along to my own song and pulled into the parking lot. I got out of my car and walked towards the entrance where I saw Katherine, Rose and Alice along with Cassandra and Susan crowded around Rose, probably listening to "Beating heart". "Morning girls. What's the hype?" I said as I reached them and Cassandra said "Star has just realesed a new song last night called beating heart." I nod as we all listen to the song playing on Rose's phone. Damn, I did good. I thought as we walked into the building. "I've got a free period for first, anyone else have a free period." Said Susan as the girls and I nodded. I went to Ms Martin's classroom with the girls following behind me. I knocked on the door and saw she wasn't teaching which confused me. I walked inside and saw her laying her head down on her desk. "Ms Martin?" I quietly asked as she didn't respond, nor move. "Cass, please go get the school nurse. This is not like Ms Martin." I said to Cassandra as she nodded and quickly ran to the nurses office.

Cassandra came back with the nurse behind her as we helped her get Ms Martin to her office. I started nibbling on my nails, making my fangs poke my skin. Katherine noticed and whispered "Annie, stop doing that. Drink!" She pulled me into the girl's bathrooms and bit her wrist, me being stressed I brought her wrist to my mouth and started to drink before pulling away. After pulling away I washed my mouth, knowing there was blood around it. "I need to let loose. I'm going to the gym, text me if anything changes with Ms Martin." I said to Katherine who nodded and went outside the bathrooms to the girls. I then sped to the gymnasium which was empty and changed into a burgundy long sleeve leotard with black tights.

When I finished my solo, I heard my phone ring and went to get it. I checked my messages and saw Cass's message "You need to be here in a few minutes. The nurse says the news may not be good."
I gasped at the message and conjured up my leather jacket, not bothering to change out of my leotard and leggings. My ankle boots were on my feet within a snap of my fingers and I rushed out of the gymnasium, going straight to the nurse's office. Once there, I saw the headmaster and a few other teacher's standing outside the office. This is bad I thought as I walked into the office and saw Ms Martin lying on a stretcher, with the girls sitting on either side of her. "She's going to have to go to hospital. The nurse says her condition is not good." Said Kat as I let out a shaky breath. I went to bite my nails again but stopped when I saw Kat's glare.

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