Third day at Forks high

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Anya's pov: I woke up in the arms of Caeden, who pulled me close as I tried to get up out of bed. I just gently shook my head as I whispered to him "As much as I'd love to stay in bed all day, I have school to attend. It'll be a little suspicious to the Cullens if only Bella comes to school" he grumbled but let me get up. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the hot water in the shower, once it was hot enough I stripped my clothes as I climbed inside, allowing the water to awaken me fully. After twenty minutes, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body before conjuring up an outfit which consisted of a white dress shirt with a black floral skirt and burgundy heeled ankle boots, paired with a cream cardigan and cream/white cloak. When I got my outfit on, I waved my hand as my mop of ebony colored strands dried instantly into chocolate brown silky hair.

Satisfied with my look, I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get a blood bag. I was halfway through the bag when I felt arms around my waist. I knew that it was Caeden as I leaned into him, my back against his bare chest. He pulled away as he walked over to the fridge, and got a blood bag out before returning to me. I tossed my empty bag into the trash can as he walked over to me. "You look lovely this morning, αγάπη μου" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist again. "Thank you, and as much as Бих искал да се взирам в гърдите ти цял ден... Could you please put a shirt on, I want to go for a run in the forest with you, as ourselves, supernatural beings" I said to him as he nodded, he went upstairs as I put my cloak on before he came back downstairs in black jeans and a white long sleeve shirt with a vest like jersey over the shirt.

I opened the door as I said as I walked outside "You are allowed to use both vampire and werewolf speed, but beware, I'm fast when I run" I then took off as I heard him chuckle. Caeden soon caught up to me as I pushed myself to go further, throwing my hood on my cloak up as we passed the Cullens backyard. I laughed as he caught up to me once again before pushing himself to go even faster. Neither of us were aware of the Cullens watching us as we ran past the house.

Third person pov: The couple raced past the Cullens residence as they were blissfully unaware of the vampire family watching them. The girl had a cream cloak on which had a hood so they couldn't see her face, whereas the boy wore a white long sleeve shirt with black jeans and a blue vest like jersey over the shirt. The sound of joyful laughter filled the air as the girl with the hood laughed at her mate who caught up to her before running further away from her. "Това момче един ден ще бъде смъртта ми" muttered the girl in a language that none of the Cullens understood before she ran off to catch up with her mate. "That laugh sounded like Anya when she laughs but that can't possibly be her could it? She's human..." Questioned Rosalie Hale, a friend of Anya Swan as they walked to the garage where their cars stood. Alice Cullen got pulled into a vision which was: Anya pulled off the hood as she laughed lightly saying "Better luck next time Caeden. I told you I'd win" "Yeah, yeah whatever you say, love" he muttered as he picked her up and spun her around, causing her to squeal. They raced back to a cottage in the woods as they entered. After a few minutes, Anya kissed his cheek before going to her car and driving off to school. Alice stood confused as to what she'd just seen, her best friend was some supernatural being, though the girl didn't know what type of supernatural being. She shook away the thought as she got into her and Jasper's car before they drove off.

Anya's pov: After our little race, I pulled off my hood as I yelled softly to Caeden "I win. Better luck next time моя любов. I told you I'd win" "Yeah yeah, whatever you say darling. I'll win next time, I'm sure of it" he muttered before his arms found my waist as he spun me around, which resulted in me squealing. He put me down as he gently kissed my lips before he pulled away, which made me pout. We raced back to the house and entered as I grabbed my book bag and walked towards the door. He pecked my lips before I pulled away, knowing that if I'd stayed in that kiss longer, it would turn into a make-out and I'd be late for school. I kissed his cheek as I walked over to my car, started the engine before I drove away from the house.

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