Weekend at the Cullens and girls day out

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Anya's pov: I woke up from my sleep and surveyed my surroundings, remembering that I had spent the night at the Cullens house. I turned to my right as a note sat on the table. I picked it up and it read "To my dearest mate, I left a little while ago. I hope you slept well, I'll see you later, love Caeden." The note was simply but sweet. I heard a knock on the door and opened it without getting up from the bed, in walked Rose, Esme and Alice. "Good morning dear, did you sleep well?" Asked Esme as I nodded and said "Yes I did Esme, thanks for asking." "Well, get up. We've got a girls day out to attend." Said Alice as she pulled the covers off me. I sighed but got up and went to the en-suite bathroom. When I had closed the door I conjured up a pair of black fitted dress pants with a white long sleeve blouse and a black blazer. For shoes I went for a simple pair of black flats which had a strap going over the ankles. I left my hair down after I brushed it and conjured up a black Michael Kors handbag with cat-eye sunglasses,which I proped on top of my head.

When I walked out of the bathroom Rose said "Loving the look! But what's with the sunglasses, not like the sun's out." I shrugged as I could hear Esme trying to hold in a laugh. "You three coming or not?" I rhetorically ask as they scrambled out of the room after me. I could smell something delicious when I got downstairs and saw that Esme had made crêpes drizzled with melted white chocolate and berries. "Thanks Esme." I said as I devour the food making the surrounding Cullens laugh. I finished the crêpes and we were soon off to our day out. "Oh Rose, why was there a white wolf in the guest bedroom last night?" Esme asked Rose who played the clueless act and shrugged her shoulders. As I drove to our destination in Port Angels, a song that I'd written and realesed a few years ago came onto the radio. The artist aka me was known as "Star," but I've not yet realesed any more songs for like three years.

I giggled as I looked at the rearview mirror and saw Rose and Alice vibing to the song like there was no tomorrow. Esme shook her head fondly as she said to me "Why not see if you can hit the high note on the next song?" I accepted the challenge and start to sing along to another song by "Star," as the girls look shocked to their cores when I hit the high notes.

"How?!" Questioned Alice as I simply shrugged and said "I got a good pair of vocals, that's all." The three laughed at my response as I parked the car and we got out. We went to a spa place and saw Jessica Stanley, a girl in Bella's year also there. "Act normal." I whispered to them as they nod and start to browse the shop. "Hi Jess." I said to her as she jumped and yelps, making me hold in a laugh. "Holy hell Anya!" She shrieked as I heard Rose chuckle. "Getting a Mani Pedi for prom?" I asked as she nods her head. "You here alone Anya?" Jessica asked as I shook my head "I'm actually here with some friends." I felt my phone ring as I said "Sorry, I need to take this." She nods and goes back to what she was doing.

Hi Anya, it's Demi. You're fans are wondering if you're going to realese any more songs since it's been a long time.
Lovely to hear from you Demi. I'm in Forks right now, but give me 24 hours. I'll have a song written by then.
Wonderful, Anya. That's all I wanted to call you for. Send me a sneak peek of the song later. Have a great weekend, sweetheart.
You too Demi.

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