Surprise Ride

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I grunted when I dropped the heavy bus tub into the dish area. Tonight's dinner rush was brutal. The Flyers had made it to the Stanley Cup finals and Jose made sure the game was playing on every screen in the place. I didn't understand a lick of hockey. However, I understood the better they played the better my tips.

Mark, our night-shift dish pit master (the man can honestly knock out dishes like a fucking wizard,) grabbed my tub and pulled it towards him before I could begin to unload it. I gave him a grateful smile and he just waved me off.

A sigh passed my lips as I pushed through the kitchen door and made my way towards a server's station. The bright red sanitizer bucked that usually sits on a shelf under the registers had been moved to sit on the counter. I snatched a towel out of the cold water and headed out to wipe down my tables.

"Doors are locked," Jose announced as he walked back to his office. "Thirty minutes ladies."

I really hated closing when he was working. A few of the girls will rush thought their work to try and get everything done in time. Just for Jose to bitch about it and make them redo their sections. Quite a few girls have quit after working a night shift with him. I almost did in the beginning. Who wants to be yelled at, at two in the morning, after dealing with drunkards all night over a damn crumb.

I was finishing my last silverware wrap when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I made a quick glance around for my slave driver boss then pulled it out to check the screen. A text from an unknown number flashed on my preview screen and I rolled my eyes. Great just what I needed at almost three in the morning, spam.

With my thumb pressed to the scanner I opened my messages to clear the text.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hey Beautiful, how was work tonight?

I scrunched my nose up at the question and replied, "Wrong number." Then tucked my phone back into my pocket. It wasn't long before I felt it vibrate again. Great just what I needed a mobile stalker. I sighed and looked around once more before checking it.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: So... my last text should have said, Hey Beautiful, it's Brandon. How was work tonight?

I tilted my head to the side and thought back to the night at the club. There were drinks and dancing... good lord was there dancing. But I don't recall ever giving him my number.

ME: How did you get my number?

BRANDON: I have my ways 😉

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes and instantly thought of Loretta.

ME: As lovely as this is I have fifteen minutes to finish my side work.

BRANDON: You never answered my question. How was your night?

ME: Busy, my ride is leaving soon so I can't chat anymore. I'll text you tomorrow.

BRANDON: How are you getting home?

ME: Catching a ride with our bartender.

Quickly I shoved my phone back in my pocket determined to ignore it. Which wasn't hard to do considering no more texts came through. My mind was racing a million miles a minute. Why would Loretta give him my number? Hell, when had she slipped it to him? We were together most of the night. She went off with his friend Corey.

Did she give it to him then he gave it to Brandon? Should I expect another unknown number messaging me too? Lord I was going to ream her ass for this. Although, if I'm being honest a part of me isn't mad, she did. Sure, I have no time to date, and I said never another customer. But it's nice to know there's someone out there who would go through the trouble to get my number and text me at random.

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