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Desperate- Finney Blake
Pinbitch- Vance Hopper
Baddiexx- Griffin Stagg
Paperboy;)- Billy Showalter
BaseBALLS- Bruce Yamada
Fightsong- Robin Arellano


Finney tapped his pencil against his desk, his eyebrows creasing as he stared at the equation on the chalk board. It was simple enough but that specific set of work is supposed to be done next unit, not this one. Finney should know, he completed this unit and the next over the weekend.


Okay he's a bit of an overachiever, so what? The work is just so simple, it's actually painful for him. Bruce flicks a paper at him, watching Finney's face turn into a glare before he shuffled over to the paper, unfolding it and beginning to read it.

{Hey loser}

Finney rolled his eyes and stopped tapping the pencil, going to reply back.

{pov: I'm u}

He smirked and flicked the paper back at Bruce who let out a mock gasp as he read the paper. Immediately going to write down on it. Finney turned his attention back to the teacher. "So I'm excited to announce that we will be having a math project! You will need to group up into pairs of 6 for this project. You won't have much class time so you'll need to do it after school as well. The project is to find the history and the reasoning behind math. You'll also need to complete 356 questions, so find your group." Griffin and Billy immediately came over to them.

"Oh hey, Robin and Vance you wanna join our group?" Griffin quipped as he stood behind the two simps. "Sure," Robin replied as Vance only grunted in response. "Alright, I'll make a gc so we can chat more about it." Griffin pulled out his phone and started typing away. "So Finney, how was unit 2?" Billy asked as he slouched on Bruce's desk. "It was simple, the teacher is giving me unit 3 tomorrow," he replied as he put his feet on-top of Bruce's lap. "You're working ahead?" Robin asked as he leaned forward on his desk. Finney's face immediately turned a bright red, clearing his throat as it slowly turned a pink hue. "Uh yeah-yeah I am."
Bruce let out a small laugh and got Finney jabbing his elbow into his side as a response. "We should tell the teacher," Billy voiced, snickering at Finney.

Everyone's phones vibrated, Griffin slipping his phone into his pocket. "So you dipshits are all friends?" Vance finally spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention and making a certain boy blush. Finney will be honest and say that he was and still is a bit scared of Vance. Not as much as he used to be but Vance has put so many people in the hospital that it's concerning. The only people not scared of Vance is his loyal and devoted simp and his step-brother. "Unfortunately," the step-brother replied, leaning on the back of Finney's seat. "Griffin your so mean," Finney whined with a fake pout.

"Boo hoo, cry me a river," Billy came back from the teachers desk and laughed at the last comment. "Are you bullying Finney?" He asked as he leaned on the back of Bruce's chair. Finney looked over to Robin, who was once again staring at him. "Alright class, back to your seats."

12:30 PM

Desperate- guys
Desperate- gays
Desperate- bros
Desperate- hoes

Baddiexx- wtf do u want 😐

Paperboy;)- why did u call me a hoe :(

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