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Yall i know i took a long time 💀 LMAO, I'm so thankful for all of your support and love and I hope you guys love this book as much as I. Anyways, this will be a little angst if you think about it in the long run but fluff if you don't think of it that way. Just warning you, don't get snot all over the screen, love you all so much 💕💕💕


"Is this seat taken?" A black haired boy asked, looking at the brunette who was sitting at a table coloring. "Uh nope, no one sits with me," the brunette said plainly, pulling out his brown crayon from the neat box. "Oh, than I can stay here?" The brunette finally turned, raising his eye brow at the boy who sat there. "Why? Not trying to be rude but your friends with like everyone, so why sit here?" The black haired boy grinned at him, plopping down into the seat. "Im not friends with you though,"  the brunette blinked, his body going tense. "Huh." He turned back to his drawing, trying to ignore the boy who was making ruckus around him. "Im Bruce," the black haired boy spoke, a smile on his face so bright that the brunette didn't even need to turn to see it. "I know," he calmly replied, pulling out the blue crayon.

"So what's your name?" He looked over at the boy annoyed, but any hatred instantly vanished. Bruce was smiling at him, like genuinely smiling. He wasn't there to beat him up or call him rude things, he was their just to be his friend. "I'm Finney!" The boy smiled back at Bruce, happy to have a friend. "I love that name! Do you play sports?" Finney nodded enthusiastically, completely forgetting about his drawing. "Yeah do you?" Bruce nodded vigorously, looking at the brunette. "I play baseball" "I play baseball," they looked at each other and giggled. Finney's hand coming up to his mouth as bruce's head fell back.

"We said that at the same time!" Finney giggled out, a bright smile on his face. "I love baseball too! Maybe we can be baseball buddies too?" Bruce asked after he pulled himself together, a huge smile still on his face.

I can't do this.

"We can be the best baseball buddies!" Finney added, a smile to match bruce's. "Finney!" A tall brunette walked behind finney, tapping him on his shoulder. Bruce saw the similarities in the two. While the woman's hair was longer (not by much) her hair was still as curly and messy as Finney's. The hair twisted in all different ways, each tangled and knotted with another. Unlike Finney, her eyes were an ocean blue but their smiles were the same. They were smiles that reached up to their eyes and made you feel like everything would be okay. "Momma! Look this is my friend Bruce!" Finney quickly introduced, not wanting to waste any time. The woman crouched down and smiled at bruce, holding her hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you Bruce! I'm Finney's mom," Bruce took her hand and she clasped her other hand around his, shaking it slowly and letting go. "I'm bruce! Can I hang out with your son soon?" Finney's mom tapped her chin, looking off to the sky. "Mooom, stop teasing him!" The woman laughed, twisting her head so her chin rested on her shoulder. "Sorry, if your mom's okay with it than I definitely wouldn't mind." Bruce looked behind him, waving at a woman to quickly come over.

Finney's mom stood up, smiling at the newcomer. "Hi I'm Finney's mom," she introduced. The other woman smiling at her and resting her hands on Bruce's shoulders. "I'm his mom," Finney's mom smiled back at her. "Our children want to hang out, want to have dinner sometime with us?"

I don't want to think about it. Please. He's going to be okay.

"Sounds wonderful! I can give you my contact information so we can discuss it more?" Bruces mom nodded, passing her phone over towards Finney's mom. She quickly tapped her information into the phone, handing it back to Mrs.Yamada. "We should be heading off, I can't trust my husband with my daughter for a second," Mrs.Blake teased, laughing. "Papa does not know how to take care of girls!" Finney added, giggling at the thought of what his father might be doing. "Mine too! Dad is really bad with my sister!" Finney looked at him excitedly, a big grin on his face. "We have more in common! Yay!" Finney hugged Bruce, who in no short amount of time hugged him back.

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