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Baddiexx- Griffin Stagg
Paperboy;)- Billy Showalter
BaseBALLS- Bruce Yamada
Pinbitch- Vance Hopper
Fightsong- Robin Arellano
Desperate- Finney Blake

TW: ABUSE (mentally and physically) SOME HARSH THOUGHTS, AND A KISSS ;) (Didn't check the last portion for any spelling errors soooo)

Finney grabbed the jacket slacked ontop of his dresser, his fingers tracing the patches on it. It wasn't that well done but Finney did his best, it was an exact copy of Newt's jacket. He slipped his arms into the sleeves, puffing it out so the part of the fur hood was poofed out. He couldn't do anything about his hair though so he just let it be, grabbing his id and some money, as well as his phone before leaving his bedroom.

He quietly tiptoed downstairs, trying to not make any noise since his father was watching television in the living room. He could smell the alcohol from the hallway of his room, which was a floor up and was a bit away from the stairs. His father was always sensitive to noises, always jumping at everything he could, anything that was living, that he could yell at and get his pent up frustration out at. So he had to be careful, his headache was bad today and he wasn't going to be able to handle his father yelling. You see, Finney Blake has headaches every single day of his life since he was 12 (he's 15) he takes medication to lessen the pain but some days the medication doesn't do much, even when he takes the stronger one that is supposed to help a lot if the headache gets bad. So he suffers through it, he's used to the pain.

Finney must have been stuck in his head for too long because he didn't realize that he had accidentally stepped on the one stair that was creaky. He heard the crash of a bottle colliding with the floor, most likely was on his fathers lap and when he shot up it fell down. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Finney considered running to the door and leaving before his father could even see him, but his father would wait for him till he got home, and the beatings would be far worse then they would be now. "Sorry father, I didn't mean to..." he trailed off, maybe saying anything was worse but it was too late. He heard the harsh footsteps of his father, making his way over to the stairs.

"Didn't mean to?" Finney nodded slowly, the drunken state of his father appearing. "Of course you meant to!! You always find a way to annoy me, this was probably a sorry attempt to!" Finney shook his head fast, slowly stepping up a stair as his father took a threatening step forward. "Moving away huh? Trying to leave me?! JUST LIKE YOUR PATHETIC MOTHER." Finney halted, his eyes widened as he stared at the bearded man. He never spoke ill of his mother, even when he was drunk. Always how she was so grand and he (Finney) was so pathetic, sometimes about how she left him in the worst way possible, but NEVER has he said anything bad about her.

"What..?" Mr.Blake picked up a bottle near the floor, one half empty and took a swig from it, looking at Finney with a certain venom Finney hadn't seen before. "I've been thinking for awhile and your mother she, she truly was pathetic. Could only go out one way rather then finding a solution." Finney's hand clenched into a fist, looking at his father with a furious glare. "Stop with that glare, it's just as pathetic as you are. You know you are just a waste of space right? Everything you do is pathetic, just like your mother. Continue to act like your something, like your worth everyone's while, but your not. Your a worthless waste of space that would make everyone's life better if you left the same way your mother did. No one would care, no one CARES ABOUT YOU FINNEY VIXEN BLAKE. You are worthless and useless and can't do anything right with your life. Don't you fucking forget that you fag."

Finney's hand fell limp, his head pounding as he stared at his father. Those words circling through his head. Was he really? He knew he wasn't liked, he knew no one would care but was he really that pathetic and useless? Was he really so bad that even his father hated him. Damn it! He couldn't do anything right, he's tried all his life to be all his father wants, but no matter what he does he's not good enough. He'll never be good enough for him. Finney's phone pinged, making his father angrier. So he took the bottle in his hand and threw it, watching as the bottle collided with his son's head, and watching as he collapsed, blood trailing down the stairs. "Pathetic."

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