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Desperate-Finney Blake
Fightsong- Robins Arellano
BaseBALLS- Bruce Yamada
Pinbitch- Vance Hopper
Baddiexx- Griffin Stagg
Paperboy;)- Billy Showalter


"MY DATE WAS THE BEST, HE LIFTED MY CHIN AND HE CALLED ME AN ANGEL AND NOW I'M DYING!" Finney practically yelled as he flopped onto Bruce's bed, kicking his feet like a little girl. "Your so desperate it actually hurts me." Griffin groaned. "OKAY BUT I GOT TO PIN HIS HAIR BACK WITH HIS BANDANA AND WE WERE SO CLOSE TOGETHER AND HIS SPANISH IS SO HOT." Griffin and Billy groaned while Bruce nodded his head, listening excitedly. "Down bad man."


Robin pushed some of his hair behind his ear, his frown deepening as it fell back in front of his face each time. "I uh can help with that." Robin looked up confused, staring at Finney intently. Finney must have noticed his confusion because he immediately added "your hair," to his sentence. "Oh. Um okay," Finney smiled and took something out of his bag, moving over and in front of Robin. "My sister taught me how to sow, so it might not be the prettiest but we dont really have the money to buy any bandanas," Finney raised himself to be on his knees and wrapped the bandana around Robin's head, tying it in the back.

When Finney lowered himself he came face to face with Robin, who's face was tinted a slight red. "You..made me a bandana?" His voice was quiet and soft, Finney almost didn't hear him. "Yeah, uh you might not like it. It's a bit more colorful than your other ones," he breathed out as he could feel the intense stare of Robin and he could feel him breathing to. "That's very uh kind of you." Finney smiled and moved back to his spot, being that close made him impossibly red.


"OH I MADE YOU GUYS SOMETHING." Finney went over to his sleepover bag and pulled out three bracelets, each being identical to Finney's. He tossed them to each one of them, although griffin didn't catch his, which ended up making everyone laugh hysterically. "I love how their our colors on each side and our initials in the middle!" Bruce complemented. "Thanks pookie, I try my best." It was blue, (for Finney), Orange, (For Billy), Yellow, (For Griffin), and Green, (For Bruce), then the initials then Green, Yellow, Orange, and Blue. "I held Vance's hand btw." Finney stopped what he was doing and stared at Bruce, jaw slacked. "SPILL."


"Did you boys have fun playing baseball?" Mrs.Yamada asked, smiling at the four as they came in. "I did, Mrs.Yamada!" Finney said politely as he smiled at her, while Griffin groaned. "Bruce and Finney teamed up which was so not fair, they literally play Baseball for a living." The two said boys looked at each other and laughed, sitting down beside each other at the table. "Bunch of cheaters," Billy added as he slumped down into a chair next to Griffin. "Were not cheaters! Were just better at it!" Bruce shot back. "YEAH RIGHT, YOU DEFINITELY CHEATED!" Billy yelled back as he crossed his arms.

"Inside voice please." Mrs.Yamada asked politely as she put plates in front of everyone. "Sorry Marie!" Billy Said quietly as everyone else thanked her for the food. "Its alright dear." Finney watched Billy smile before he gulped the food down. "Thank you for the food Mrs.Yamada!" Marie rolled her eyes at him, putting the rest of the food on the table incase anyone wanted seconds. "How come his friends I've only known for two years can call me Marie but the boy I've known since you were both 5 can't?" She asked as she chuckled, Finney shrugged and began eating.


"I say we watch Bridge to Ter-," Bruce groaned immediately, dragging himself over to sit with Finney on the beanbag. "No one wants to watch that for the 20th time, it makes us all cry!" He complained, which got Griffin to huff and cross his arms. "Well fuck you too then." Finney placed his blanket over Bruce's legs so they were sharing. "How about Uncharted?" Billy asked as he plopped himself down beside Griffin. "You only want to watch that because your hella gay for Tom Holland." Bruce choked on the popcorn in his mouth, laughing hysterically at Finney's comment. "Well were not watching the Maze Runner either, your gay for Dylan O'Brien!" Billy shot back, which made Finney roll his eyes. "Who isn't gay for Dylan O'Brien?"

"How about Divergent?" They all thought about Bruce's idea before nodding. "Sure." "We can be gay and pay attention!" "Mommy Tris here we come."


"Cupcakes or brownies?" Billy asked as he filed through Bruce's cabinets, pulling out the ingredients for both. "Lets do both!" Griffin said, which got Bruce and Finney looking at each other with a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Oh uh I got to go call my dad really quick." Finney suddenly said, moving towards Bruce's bedroom. "Oh and I promised Vance I'd call him too." Bruce also moved back to his room as well. "Wha-HEY!" The door slammed shut and Billy groaned loudly, making Griffin stifle a laugh. "Its okay Billy. It'll just be me and you," he said as he placed a hand ontop of Billy's making his face brighten into a shade of pink.

"Y-Yeah, sounds umh good," Billy reached up to grab the flour but fell and tipped it over, ending up with flour all over him. Griffin laughed, covering his mouth with his hand as he tried to contain his laughter. "You think its funny huh?" Griffin nodded and continued to laugh. "Come give me a hug then!" Griffin stopped laughing, his eyes growing big as he stared at Billy. "Uh no thanks.." he started backing away slowly but Billy already began running at him.

Griffin ran fast away as well, hurrying over towards the living room, but Billy got him first and they both fell to the ground.

They stilled.

Billy could hear griffin's breathing, and it was like a comfort he's never felt before. "..Billy.?" Billy hummed, moving slightly as he felt Griffin's heart rate increase. "Could you please get up?" Billy nodded slowly and lifted himself up, his arms beside Griffin's head on either side, and their faces almost touching.

They stared.

Their eyes locked and they stopped moving, Griffin's breath hitching, which Billy could feel on his face. Billy was so in love with this man that it physically hurt him, Griffin was the light of his life. Was the reason he existed, that might be some simp shit, but he's never fallen for a man this hard, he doesn't know if he can get back up. He doesn't know if he WANTS to get up. Maybe he'll stay where he can be with Griffin, because if he got up he wouldn't ever be able to love this man. That is not what he wants, he wants to love this man for as long as possible. "Um.." Billy quickly shot up, chuckling nervously. "Lets go get..changed?"


Bruce slumped onto his bed, where Finney was sitting criss-cross. "They're so in love!" Billy squeals, making Finney laugh and nod excitedly. "So, tell me about the hand holding that was done." Bruce laughed and nodded, licking his lips. "Well if you insist."

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