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Gwen awoke to a knock on the front door, hearing her brother groan beside her. She slipped out of the bed and quietly left the room, heading straight for the door. It had been about two weeks since she first slept in his room, and Gwen couldn't find herself to stop sleeping beside him. It was greater comfort then anything else has ever been, and it wasn't a comfort just to Gwen. It had been helping Finney severely, and he was forever grateful. Gwen pulled open the door and stopped when Robin came into view, his hair completely soaked as he stood out in the rain. Gwen didn't care though, Robin can stay soaked for all she cared. "What do you want," she asked as her eyes darkened, her arms crossing each other. "Can I talk to Finn.. please?" Robin begged, Gwen shook her head no.

"Why would I let you see him?" She asked, looking at him pointedly. "I realize how it might have seemed like we were ignoring him but we weren't. We were planning for prom, on how to ask him out and everything, I never intended to ignore him I just didn't know how to answer." Robin explained as he rubbed his arm anxiously. "It doesn't give you the fucking right to ignore him! It doesn't give Griffin or Billy the right to tell you about his crush on you. It doesn't give any of you the right to treat my brother like he is NOTHING! Get the hell off my porch before I make you get off it," she growled out at him, shoving him back into the pouring rain.

"I realized it was wrong! Please let me explain it to him." Robin begged, a frown placing itself on his face. "Good for you, I'll relay the message. Until then, you can fuck off." Gwen slammed the door on him, her hand clenching into a fist. Robin let the rain pour on his head, completely and utterly dumbfounded. He had never been the receiver of Gwen's anger, and it was scary. He doesn't know if he could handle Finney's anger. He contemplated knocking again but decided against it, not wanting to anger the young girl any more then she was.

He regrets not saying anything, it wasn't his intention to ignore him or make him feel worthless. He just wanted it to be a surprise, but he got distracted and overwhelmed by his feelings of love that he didn't even realize how shitty he was treating said love. He needs to make it right somehow, he needs Finney to know just how much he loves him and just how sorry he is. So Robin backed off his porch and slid his hoodie over his head, rushing to tell Griffin and Billy about his plan.


Finney yawned as he rubbed his eyes, his body feeling heavy. He didn't want to get up, not now. Not ever. The days seemed to pass by so slow now, the minutes ticking by felt like hours. The hours felt like days. It was all becoming too much for him. Some days he wished he could never wake up, but that would be unfair. Unfair to his lovely sister who's only ever helped him, who's always looking out for him. He could never leave her like their mom did. If he were to go out then he wants to go out with a fight. He wants to be able to live with her, forever even if it means being in an incredible amount of pain all the time, physically and mentally.

It would be unfair to his best friend in the whole world, to Bruce. Who's always ready to listen and to help him. Who's never once cared about popularity, even as he had thousands of boys and girls wrapped around his finger he didn't care. It's one of Finney's favorite qualities about Bruce, because he knows that even if Bruce got famous and everyone in the world love him, he'd never leave Finney. Maybe it was his attachment issues talking, but he knows for a fact that he would never leave Bruce either. Bruce and Gwen were his world and even as everyone else continue to tear and rip at his world, he would never dare think of leaving them.

Finney turned in his bed, his limbs getting heavier by the second. It was just one of those days, one of those days where he doesn't think about getting up. Just lying in bed for as long as he can. Finney groaned, getting up slowly. He needs to make food for Gwen, just because he's upset doesn't mean he can't take care of his little sister. The girl he admires most in the whole world. His world.

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