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Alessandro & Anneliese-15

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Alessandro & Anneliese-15

Maximoff & Kenzo-16

Anneliese walks into the house happy with her new purchase. There had been a massive bead set on sale and the previously bored teen had found something to do with her afternoon. Her brothers weren't back from school yet and she had done all of her work. Her parents were at work and Regan was back in California with his siblings leaving her alone.

Besides the estate staff she was all alone in the massive home she lived in.

She took a seat at the table and started unwrapping the packaging of the set that was probably meant for children years younger than she was. There were all sorts of colours as well as the sting.

So she started, and sat there for an hour fully hyper-fixated on her project that she didn't hear her rambunctious brothers enter the house, which was a miracle considering how loud the three of them were together.

"Hey Lissy." Her twin greets as the other two reply with similar sentiments, all of them making a beeline towards the fridge, probably emptying it of all its contents.

"Hey, how was school?" Anneliese asks but her eyes were still focused on where she was threading little beads onto a string.

"Urgg." Maximoff groaned, flopping into the seat in front of her and leaning his head onto the table. "Why can't we all be homeschooled and stay at home all day?"

"I don't stay at home all day." Anneliese refuted. "Today I had more of a break but I normally am as busy as the rest of you."

"We know, boss." Alessandro agreed, coming up behind his twin and ruffling her hair making her grumble.

"Stop it." Anneliese whined. "Kenny, help."

The person in question raised his hands up in surrender from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter. "Don't get me involved."

Anneliese sighed and tried to refocus on the necklace she was now making. She was homeschooled unlike her brothers who went to the same school her parents had gone to as teenagers. She and her parents had chosen this way of schooling due to a number of reasons and she liked it so she had never asked to be placed into school with her brothers. She had the option to go to school like her brothers did to go to school but everyone was happy with their current situation.

"What are you making?" Maximoff interrupted cutting off any more bickering even though he had been the one to technically start it

"Just beading, I saw this and it looked cool enough and I was really bored today." She lifted up her current piece and showed him the ones she had made previously. Maximoff examined them and then lifted up one that was about the size for an anklet.

"This would have been better with white instead of black." He criticised, and Anneliese glared at him.

"I'd like to see you try to make a better one." She challenged and of course in this competitive household no one could turn down any challenge so the teen grabbed his own string, cutting it to the length he liked and started adding the beads in a pattern that didn't look half as organised as Anneliese's did.

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