The arrival

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The creator of the vast universe TOAA, or The One Above All, was infuriated with the so called heroes in the universe. The heroes had hurt and betrayed his most favoured creation, the Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker.

The heroes had thought them above him and continuously ridiculed him and chastised his heroic actions especially in the events that were created by their own hands.

He decided that he would show them just how wrong they all were. In an instant he created a large room with an enormous screen and rows of seats.

Now all that was left was for the spectators to arrive.

In a bright blinding light the room was filled with a bunch of different heroes, villains and civilians of all sorts. There was the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Defenders and many more.

Along with them on the other side of the room were the villains, the brotherhood of mutants, HYDRA, the Sinister Six as well as the Sinister Syndicate and many others who didn't belong to a group or team.

"Where are we?" Shouted Tony Stark who previously was in the Avengers tower working in his lab.

"I don't know." Answered Steve who was also in the tower but sitting in the living room.

"Franklin, Valeria, are you both ok?" Said the concerned voice of Sue Storm who was previously in the Baxter Building.

"Ben what's going on?" Asked the hotheaded Johnny Storm to his friend.

"No idea Johnny. What do you think stretch?" Ben said looking at Reed.

"I'm not sure, I was in my lab a moment ago." Reed thought.

"Charles... where are we?" Came the gruff voice of Logan.

"Yea Charles what's up?" Said Scott Summers.

"I do not know. It seems as though we have been transported, but to where or by whom I do not know." Charles said to them both.

The groups of heroes finally took notice of each other once they had gotten their bearings, their previous confusion was only increased by their appearance in the mysterious room.

"Uhh guys... we're not alone." Said Rhodes looking across the room at the villains.

They all turned to look and saw all of their villains gathered, also sitting in seats and looking just as confused as they were. Until they caught sight of the heroes and they were ready to fight.

"Charles is this another Battle-world situation?" Asked Jean Grey.

"I don't think so Jean. Why would we be given seats in this strange room rather than a battlefield?" He questioned.

"Charles. Good to see you." Said Erik Lensharr or Magneto.

"Erik." Charles replied dryly.

Before the two groups could clash the bright light returned once again and before them was TOAA.

"I am The One Above All. And I have brought you all here, heroes and villains, to observe the life of the most important person in not just the universe, but the entire multiverse." TOAA announced to everyone in the room.

Before he could continue he was interrupted by three individuals. "Me." Said Tony Stark, Scott Summers and Clint Barton at the same time.

The three looked at each other with anger at the audacity to think they were the greatest.

"You think that a homosapian is the most important. Ridiculous. Clearly the most important would be a homosuperior." He said arrogantly.

"Nonsense. I am the smartest man in the universe, so clearly it's about me and not you Summers." Tony arrogantly corrected.

"Yeah right Stark. Clearly it's about me." Clint boasted with no evidence.

"SILENCE." Boomed TOAA. "None of you present are the most important. The person we will be watching is Spider-Man." He announced.

"Spider?" Said a confused Felicia.

"Pete?" Muttered MJ silently.

The rest of the room erupted in laughter at hearing him say the wall crawler was the most important person, but they were quickly silenced when he emanated a powerful aura that sent shivers down their spines.

"I have gather all of you. Hero, villain, civilian or whoever that has a connection to him." He said gesturing to MJ, Aunt May and several people from the Daily Bugle such as J Jonah Jameson, Betty Brant and Robbie Robertson.

"I have a connection to Spider-Man?" Asked a confused May.

"Yes. You are perhaps the most important person of his life aside from your departed husband." He told her.

"Ben?" She said shocked.

"Yes. Speaking of which..." he said and once again a bright light engulfed the room. When they opened their eyes they saw that nothing had changed.

"May?" Said a familiar voice to older woman.

Turning around May saw her previously deceased husband Ben Parker standing there amongst other new arrivals. Such arrivals include Gwen Stacy, her father George Stacy, former Captain of the NYPD Jean DeWolff and many more.

"I can't believe this. You're here." May said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes May. I'm here." He said hugging her tightly, the two embracing each other.

MJ and Felicia watched in silence with a few tears forming themselves. Peter had told Felicia about his uncle Ben and his death, MJ already knew having been friends with Peter and living next door with her aunt Anna.

"But wait... won't it be confusing for the people who were just brought here since they... you know..." MJ said to TOAA.

"No. Everyone here will be given the same knowledge of events that transpired. So even if someone who was dead before or was not involved with certain events will know what is happening when it happens." TOAA explained.

"So you said we'd be watching the wall crawler right?" Said Logan.

"Correct. I'll be showing you some stories involving the hero and his activities. They do not all take place at the same time, they are instead possible futures in which things that had transpired in your universe for these new events to occur." TOAA continued his explanation.

"Agh... why bother watching that menace. He's a danger to New York and it's people." Said the irritated JJJ.

"How dare you?" Said the newly arrived Jean DeWolff. "He's no menace he's a hero. He's saved countless lives." She proclaimed.

Jameson gave no reply merely grunting and sinking into his seat.

"Nothing to say." Dewolff continued.

"Enough." Said the stern voice of George Stacy. "I understand you think differently but there's no need to antagonise him." He advised.

"Yes sir." She acknowledged.

"So... what will we be watching?" Asked a curious Valeria.

"Before we get into the that we will have to wait for little while as these universes events unfold and are collected so they can viewed by us." TOAA said.

"Then why bring us here if you're not ready to show us yet." Said the irritated Tony Stark, who was quickly silenced by TOAA staring at him menacingly.

"So instead we will show a specific universes events as they have unfolded. This universe is entirely separate from yours as events have not happened or different events occurred altogether. This universe is home to The Silver Spider." TOAA said showing a large screen that began to play.

"Enjoy. And for one of you specifically... it will surely be a surprise." He said humour-sly as he disappeared.

(Hey all this is first chapter of the  reaction fic and we'll get into the actual reactions in the next chapter. I will be covering The Silver Spider until I get the the first 10 chapters of my OneShots out. So currently I have 8 released and I'm currently working on chapter nine, once that and the next one are done I'll transition back to them for reacting.)

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