Prelude to the One-Shots

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"So what else can you tell us about these other universes we are about to see?" Reed Richards asked TOAA.

"Well... you already know that these universes will follow Peter Parker and how he has managed to find new relationships with women whom you might not have expected." TOAA said.

"But for those of you who have previously been in a relationship with him... you will not see your universe for quite some time." TOAA said to the dismay to some females.

"What?" Said Felicia Hardy knowing she wasn't going to get to see her and Peter get together anytime soon.

"Seriously?" Said Mary Jane Watson who wanted to see how her life played out with Peter. Thinking something along the lines of marriage and kids in the future.

"Yes. Unfortunately as you have previously been in a relationship with Peter back in your universe, it will be some time until we see how the relationship pans out in another. It is a way to keep things fair and... interesting for all of you." TOAA explained much to their chagrin.

"So that means you; Mary Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy, Carlie Cooper, Carol Danvers and Bobbi Morse will not have an appearance till later." TOAA pointed to each person as he called out their name.

Carol was slightly upset about that as she wanted to see how her relationship with Peter could have went. She broke things off with him before and it has been a deep regret for her but with her preoccupation to being a hero throughout the galaxy, she did it have the time for a fully committed relationship.

Bobbi Morse however was conflicted with the news as she had briefly dated Peter for a while but ended as they didn't have much in common outside of their hero lives. So she was in a way, curious, at how their relationship could have played out.

"What about me? I've dated Peter." Said Gwen Stacy.

"There is a... complication with you Miss Stacy." TOAA said to the blonde woman.

"What kind of complication?" She asked for clarification.

"As you are aware... I brought you and some others back from the dead in order to see these different realities. Back in your universe a long while after your death... a different Gwen Stacy arrived from another universe. And it will be this version of Gwen Stacy who we will see fulfil a relationship with Peter. Not you unfortunately." TOAA said sadly.

Gwen was saddened and disheartened after hearing how she may not get to see 'herself' have a life with Peter.

She didn't know of his secret identity before her death but it doesn't matter. She loved him and would have stuck by him regardless.

"I'm sorry sweetie." Said her father George Stacy, who tried to comfort his daughter who was holding back her tears.

"However..." TOAA continued.

"That is not to say that there isn't some reality where it is 'you' who develops this relationship." TOAA said hopefully.

Gwen cheered up immensely after he said that, and she kept her hopes up to eventually see that reality. Even if it was a long time coming.

"So what can we expect to see in these universes? Can you give us any information about them before we view them?" Asked Charles.

"Hmm... I suppose a preview of sorts may be beneficial for you. You can call these teasers for what's to come." TOAA agreed.

The screen lit up once more and a brief preview of what was to come in these new universe unfolded before their very eyes.

The screen showed Peter in his traditional spider suit making his way inside a warehouse.

"I wonder why he's going there?" Johnny asked.

"It looks abandoned." Steve said.

"Maybe it's a hideout for some villain?" Miles pondered.

The screen quickly changed to a different scene, in this scene it showed Spider-Woman in her room at the Avengers tower with an evil smirk on her face.

"Jeez... that's creepy." Carol said to her best friend.

"I know right." Janet agreed.

"Is... is that me?" Jess said tailoring her head in confusion. She couldn't exactly put her finger on it but she was suspicious of what she was seeing.

The screen changed again, this time it showed Peter restrained on a tabletop. His mask was removed and he looked to be unconscious, his suit was in tatters and torn apart.

"Oh my god." Susan gasped.

"Man... that looks rough." Ben said.

"I wonder who could have done something like that?" Johnny said.

Many of the heroes then looked towards the villains to see if any of them seemed likely. But unfortunately most of Spideys villains for the bill.

Otto was grinning seeing his foe restrained like some lab rat.

Miles Warren, or The Jackal, smiled thinking that this was an experiment for cloning process.

Norman remained silent but was laughing maniacally on the inside seeing Peter look so defeated.

Kraven had a curious look on his face as he vaguely recognises not only the restraining technique but the room he was kept in. Something about it was... familiar.

The screen changed to the next scene showing a party inside the Avengers tower, many of the heroes spotting themselves on the screen.

"Looks like a killer party if I do say so." Tony Stark bragged.

"I wonder who he meets in this universe? After all most of us are already there." Jennifer said noticing herself along with Jess and Carol at the party.

"Well it seems Jess is already coming up from that last preview, and since I've dated him already it's not mine." Carol huffed knowing she won't see her relationship with Peter and seemingly Jessica would.

The screen changed once more to show a man and woman in a dark alleyway, the woman was seemingly startled and the man was splayed out on the ground in a heap of webs.

"Well that one's vague." Natasha said.

"Yea. And who is that woman? Do you think she's the person he gets with?" Sam asked.

"Hard to say, but I guess we'll find out. Eventually" Steve added.

The screen darkened and the previews ended. "So there you are. Those were some previews of what you will see." TOAA said to them.

"We didn't really see much, and we still don't know who he is going to end up with." Felicia said irritated not knowing who would dare take her spider from her.

"These previews where shown in order of the universes you will see them, and it will become apparent quite quickly when you see them for yourselves who Peter develops a relationship with." TOAA spoke.

"But until then. This is farewell." TOAA announced before disappearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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