ADW "Chapter 1"

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"Did... did he say Peter gets transported to a different world?" Miles asked after TOAA left them.

"He did. Do you think he meant like a different planet like Battleworld?" Tony questioned.

"Perhaps the man of spiders has been brought to Asgard. A fitting place for a hero such as he." Thor suggested.

"Well... I suppose we are going to find out." Emma said bluntly.

Peter was singing back to the Sanctum Sanctorum with a strange looking stone tablet under his arm.

Why was he doing this?

Because apparently the tablet in question has something to do with altering dimensions or whatever and Doctor Strange had asked the web slinger to retrieve it for him while he prepared a spell upon its return.

"A stone tablet capable of altering dimensions?" Doom thought to himself of the possibilities the tablet could hold.

"I would be interested in acquiring that tablet." Fisk said watching the tablet on the screen with malicious intent.

'I could rid myself of that pesky spider.' Thought Otto and Norman.

"All this trouble for a little stone slab. Must be very important and very dangerous if the Doc needed my help to get it back." He said to himself landing on top of the mystical building.

Entering the Sanctorum Peter was immediately transported to Stranges location within the building, a feat of magic that he would never get used to.

"Hey Doc I got your tablet thingy here. What do you want me to do with it?" He asked the sorcerer who was floating above the ground.

"Man I'm never gonna get used to magic being a real thing." Miles said.

"Place the tablet upon the podium, I will cast a spell that will seal its power and send it to a pocket dimension where it's affects cannot harm anyone." He ordered the spider themed hero.

"Harm anyone? What kind of harm could this thing do anyway?" He asked following Stranges command.

"This tablet can warp reality, if the user is unfit or the tablet is broken the fabric of space and time could very well collapse and our dimension with it." He said seriously.

Many of the viewers eyes widened in horror knowing such a powerful artefact could spell disaster for their entire dimension of it was broken or f someone tried to use it improperly.

"Fury, maybe we should acquire that tablet and safe guard it ourselves." Maria Hill whispered to Fury.

"I don't think that's necessary Agent." Fury shot down her idea.

This alarmed Spider-Man as he set the tablet down and carefully backed away lest he accidentally do something that would end the world.

"You could have warned me about that beforehand!" He yelled at him.

"Yea Strange! What if he broke it along the way." Barton yelled at the mystic sorcerer.

"He's right Strange, you should have sent someone more reliable to get the tablet for you." Stark said implying he was more capable.

Strange remained silent to their jabs and continued to watch the screen.

"Please rest assured, I was fully aware that you would be careful in its retrieval. Now if you would take a few steps away from the podium I can begin the spell." Strange assuaged him.

Peter stood back and watched as the Doctor began to conjure a spell that would seal the tablet away, hopefully for good.

A large orange glyph appeared on the ground that covered the podium and Strange, a rumbling sound could be heard and the building started to shake, alarming Spider-Man.

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