TSS "Chapter 2"

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The screen lights up and continues from where it left off before. Everyone watches intently as they had seen Silver crash into New York and was apparently severely injured from it.

'No hospital. Too dangerous. What does she mean?' Thought Peter as he swung with Sable in tow.

'She looks pretty bad, but I need find somewhere to take her or she'll bleed out' Peter thought about where he could take her. FEAST was an option but they didn't handle this level of care, in his case he had Dr Michaels there but he left after Devils Breath was resolved.

"Well those are some serious injuries, he should act quickly so that they can be seen to." Beast commented.

"Yes but the question is where? Silver made it apparent that she doesn't want to go to a hospital. What is this FEAST place he mentioned." Nick Fury asked from the back of the room.

"It's a shelter. But I haven't heard of this Dr Michaels before." Said May who worked in the shelter from time to time.

"I need to find somewhere safe for you cause trying to swing and think about how to save your life are very distracting" Peter said to the unconscious Sable.

'I guess I've got no choice to bring her to my apartment, or MJ's apartment really. Man I hope MJ doesn't mind, ugh... she'll probably kill me." Peter lamented his poor choices.

"Huh... of course he'd bring her to my apartment." MJ huffed.

"I guess it shows how much he trusts you." May said trying to cheer her up.

A few moments later

Peter made it back to MJ's apartment and laid Sable across his bed. "Okay Sable we're safe now. Sable?... can you hear me?" Peter asks worryingly.

Sable begins to stir after a few silent moments that felt like an eternity for Peter. "Mmmm, where... am... I? Sable asks weakly. "Sp-Spider-Man?"

"Yea, Sable it's me. You're safe but I need to check your wounds, see what I'm dealing with okay." Peter says trying to comfort her and only receiving a pained groan of approval.

"Peter isn't a doctor right? Should he be doing any of this?" Questioned Betty.

"No he isn't." Sue answered the brunette.

"It's not like he has much choice Sue." Ben added.

Peter slowly worked the shirt and vest up from Sables body trying to get a closer look at the wound, and what he sees makes him wince a bit. A large gash is going across the left side of her body and is bleeding badly.

Taking a note from his previous stupid decisions he uses his webs to keep the wound closed and prevent further bleeding.

MJ, Felicia, Gwen, Betty and some other women had very intrusive thoughts when watching Peter remove the top layer of Silvers clothes.

"Clever man of spiders, closing the wound to stop the blood. Now Silver is safe." Thor cheered.

"It's not that simple. There's still damage that needs actual medical attention, but it will do." Bruce commented.

After a few minutes of looking over her Peter notes that the only major wound is the now webbed up gash and that she has suffered only minor scrapes and bruises, not sure whether or not to consider that lucky.

Knowing Sable needs medical attention hasn't faulted on Peters mind but she was clear on no hospitals. Which is something that he himself recognises but their circumstances are different, his healing factor gives him better odds of survival and recovery from his injuries and when he is in hospital he bails immediately after wakes up.

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