ADW "Chapter 3"

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"Now, let us resume from where we left off last time." TOAA said as he disappeared.

"Maybe we'll find some answers about why we attacked Spider-Man." Steve said hopefully.

"You'd better hope Captain, otherwise... we'll have some issues." Said Nick Fury.

Peter, or rather Spider-Man was dodging attack after attack from both Iron Man and Captain America, who seemingly wanted to kill him.

"Guys, I'm not sure what's going on but can't we talk this out?" He exasperated.

"The time for talk is long gone you ingrate." Said Iron Man behind his mask.

'What is he talking about?' Wondered Peter.

"Look, I'd expect this sort of thing coming from you Stark, but Steve? No way. There's must something going on here." Natasha spoke.

"Yes, that must be the reason." Cap agreed.

"Something like what?" Asked Carol.

"Mind control perhaps? Or maybe their imposters." Jessica Drew commented remembering the Skrull invasion.

"We need to put an end to this. First we take care of the insect, then we deal with those nuisances." Said Captain America.

Peter continued to dodge attack after attack, never fighting back as to not hurt his friends and allies, even if they were making this difficult by attacking him.

'Seriously. What's going on here. First I find the Sinister Six helping out people, then they yell at me for wearing this suit, and now Cap and Tony are fighting me like I'm their mortal enemy.' Peter pondered.

"Look out!" Came a voice from behind him.

"Even when he's being attacked by his friends he still holds back." Sue said.

"He doesn't want to hurt them if they aren't in their right minds. Even if they deserve it at times." Jessica said looking at Clint.

Reacting quickly Spider-Man evaded a bullet aimed for his head. Looking in the direction the bullet was fired from he is once again surprised to see a familiar face who is trying to kill him.

Natasha Romanoff, or the Black Widow as she was more commonly known by, was standing across from him with her smoking gun raised in his direction.

"Nat? What are you doing? What's going on?" He asked pleadingly.

Natasha was shocked to see herself attacking the web head along with Stark and Cap. She didn't have anything against him, his jokes may have annoyed her slightly but she wouldn't act out like this because of them.

"Seriously what's going here." She abruptly shouted.

"Maybe you're all finally showing your true colours." Wilson Fisk chuckled.

The rest of the villains chuckled to themselves seeing the heroes frantic about seeing themselves as the bad guys.

"What's happening Spider-Man is we are getting rid of you and your friends once and for all." She said menacingly.

She fired of more bullets which missed their desired target due to Peter spider sense alerting him and reacting instantly to dodge the bullets.

'Ok, this is seriously getting out of hand. I need to stop this.' He thought determined.

Firing a web line towards Natasha, Peter webbed her gun to her hand rendering it useless and stuck in her grasp, web zipping forward he punched her in the face knocking her back a little. He followed up in this with a few more blows directed at her chest and a solid kick sending her tumbling back.

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