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TOAA appeared before the group after they just finished watching Spider-Man being unmasked by his 'villains' in the other world.

"It seems as though she has figured out the young woman's identity." He said.

"Really?" Janice said looking back to Lorena who slowly nodded in confirmation.

"Then... who?" Janice asked her only for TOAA to interject.

"That knowledge will be revealed to you all soon." TOAA announced.

"Huh. Again with the whole 'all will be revealed' cryptic stuff." Scott said bitterly.

"Yes. Although I will take this time to answer any questions you may have about the two worlds you've just seem. Provided that I am able to answer them." TOAA informed them which got their attention.

"Any question?" Stark repeated.

"If I can." TOAA rephrased.

"About any universe?" Silver questioned.

"Of the two you witnessed. Yes." TOAA confirmed.

"I'd like to ask one." Julia raises her hand first.

"Yes. Go ahead."

"How was it that Peter travelled to another universe in the first place?" Julia asked.

"I suppose I can answer your question." TOAA decided to answer her question.

"Later in this universe an explanation will be given. But for your question I will defer to the mystical answer." TOAA specified.

"When Dr Strange casted his spell, it was merely to open up a pocket dimension for which that stone table would be sent to. However, Peter being pulled in caused there to be a split in the dimensions, one for the pocket dimension for the tablet and another for Peter. From there he simply fell through the universe and into another." TOAA explained.

"I guess that answers my question." Julia accepted his response.

"Why... why did I do those things in the first universe?" Yuri asked remembering the actions her other self took.

"Ah yes. In that universe your family suffered greatly due to Hammerhead, more specifically... your father, who was convicted of taking bribes from the maggia boss." TOAA began.

"You dedicated your life to taking him down. But this led to layer catastrophes when a raid on his base went bad and your men were killed. He tormented you and after an attack on your precinct with stolen Sable Technology, you vowed revenge." He explained.

"But... but I'd never... go that far." She said exasperated.

"Maybe... maybe not."

Yuri was devastated by the news, she's never thought she would turn that way. She'd worked hard to be an upstanding officer and Captain of the NYPD.

Both Jean DeWolff and George Stacy gave her some reassurance that she wouldn't turn out the same. An act that she was grateful for.

"You said that you brought us all here to see possible futures for Peter. What kind of futures?" Asked Susan.

"Yes, I originally gathered you all to observe in his potential futures. The futures in question where when Peter began relationships with different women throughout his life." He answered her question causing some eyes to raise.

"Wait wait wait... you brought us here to see Spider-Man get with several women at once." Asked Barton.

"No. I will show Peter involved in a single relationship moving from universe from universe where the woman he ends up with is different." He corrected the archer.

"Though... that is not to say that there aren't some universes where he dose indeed have several relationships going on at the same time." He revealed.

"Really? Man I'm jealous of him now." Johnny said slightly defeated hearing how his best friend is getting multiple girlfriends at once.

"And who exactly are these women he is dating in those universes?" Asked an irked Felicia.

"There are many different women, but there is no limit as to whom he is involved with." He answered cryptically.

"And what dose that mean?" MJ interjected.

"It means, he is also involved in relationships with women who would be villains." He revealed shocking them all.

"Villains?" Said a few women including, MJ, Felicia, Jean DeWolff, Yuri Watanabe, Sue Storm and others.

"Yes. Not just the villains he's encountered either. Any woman who is considered a villain is potentially a partner for him in these universes." He continued.

A few of the female villains had curious and worried looks on their faces, thinking about the possibility that they could see themselves in another universe be in a relationship with Spider-Man.

The villains who had fought Spider-Man were dreading the sight such as Anastasia Kravenoff, PandaMania, Francine as well as other members of the Syndicate. All except one... White Rabbit, or Lorena.

After seeing the current universe she had thoughts about being in a relationship with Spider-Man. From what she had seen it was all but possible.

Other female villains however, when thinking about it, were curious to see how the relationship went and were eager to see themselves in said relationship.

Veranke the Skrull Queen had an 'attraction' to the wall crawler during her time impersonating Spider-Woman, although she didn't pay it any mind as she was preoccupied with her plans for a full Skrull invasion.

More curious was Adriana Soria the Spider-Queen. She had tried to make Peter hers before but her plans failed. And when she instead tried to take over New York without him she ended up being killed by his inferior clone.

She shuddered at the thought as she was returned to life in this room after the moment she was killed.

"Are we any closer to seeing these universes?" Asked Charles.

"There are a few left to catalogue. But once they are we shall transition over to those universes." TOAA answered.

"Dose that mean we wont ever come back to these universes once the others are collected?" Asked a slightly concerned Silver.

"We shall revisit these two universes again but at a later point. Do not worry, your suspicions will be answered in due time." TOAA replied to the silver haired Monarch.

"Why are you so interested in that other universe?" Asked MJ.

"That woman... I wish to know more about her." Silver answered.

"More about her? We don't even know who she is?" MJ continued.

"I have my suspicions. I wish to see if they are right."

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