Chapter 1

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"Giri~"  I say in a sing song voice.

Kurogiri:"Yes Jinx?"

"Handys being mean."

Shigaraki:"I am not! I haven't even talked to you today!"

"See he's yelling at me."

Kurogiri just sighs as Handy seemed to be comtiplating decaying me.

"Try it handy and see how fast you are related to swiss cheese."

He glares at me and I glare back.

Kurogiri was about to say something before I started to giggle, and fall onto the floor laughing.

Handy mutters something along the lines of 'damn schizo'.

Eventually pulling myself back up to the bar I look at Giri.

Kurogiri:"Jinx why don't you go work on one of your inventions?"

"Will I get complaints about my music?"

Shirgiraki:"No. Now get away from me."

"Aww~ That hurts my feelings Shigi."

I throw my arms around him as I pout. He pushes me off immediately.

"meanie." I mutter standing up.

Shigiraki:"Why don't you go bother a pro hero or something?"

"Can it be the bunny?" I ask grabbing his arm excited.

Shigiraki:"I don't care just stop touching me!"

Handy pushes me down again. But as I tumble to the floor I spring back up and go towards the door.

"I'll be back later~"

Sitting ontop of a building overlooking some plaza I hum as I check my bag full of spray paint.

Mostly it just consisted of cans of blue, purple and neon versions of the two colors.

"Spray paint, check."

I get out my gun and twirl it for a moment and then check my ammo.

"Gun and ammo, check check."

Looking around I find a empty wall and grin getting an idea.

"Hopefully the bunny shows up."

I stand up from the unconcious tied up bodies I was using as a seat and make my way to the wall.


As the sun rises over Japan police tape could be seen around an alley. A familiar detective makes his way past the tape and into the alley were he sets his eyes on a wall as officers escort some thugs into the back of their vehicles.

Tsukauchi:"Jinx again."

The detective sighs as he approaches a sleep deprived looking man, who oddly enough had spray paint on himself, he wore mostly black with a scarf around his neck and yellow goggles around his neck aswell.

Tsukauchi:"Eraserhead I take it you were the one to encounter Jinx?"

Eraserhead:"Yes. Brat was looking for Miruko and spray painted me when I showed up."

Tsukauchi:"What about them?"

Tsukauchi ask pointing to the thugs in cuffs in the back of a cop car.

Eraserhead:"Knocked out when I got here, Jinx only explained by saying 'trying to rape a girl and will be corpses.'."

Tsukauchi:"And the girl?"

Eraserhead:"Over there."

He points to a girl who has short purple hair and elongated earlobes. A woman who held a similar appearance was standing beside her.

Tsukauchi:"Rubbing alcohol should remove those stains."

Tsukauchi tells Eraserhead before going over to the girl and the one who was persumedly her mother based on her looks.

Tsukauchi:"Hello, I'm Detective Tsukauchi is it all right if I ask you a few questions?"

The girl looks up at him and slowly nods.

Tsukauchi:"Do you remember the appearance of the person who saved you?"

???:"Yes. He had long blue hair, and his clothes were punkish. He had tattoos of clouds on his right arm and shoulder. His eyes I'm not sure about..."

Tsukauchi:"Pink eyes with a slight glow?"

???:"Yeah, but they were blue for a moment I think."

Tsukauchi:"What happened after he showed up?"

???:"He managed to seperate me from the thugs and told me to run as he delt with them, that's when I ran into the hero and brought him to the alley."

Tsukauchi:"I see."

Tsukauchi finishes writting everything down.

???2:"Do you know who the guy who saved her is?"

Tsukauchi looks at the older woman for a moment before nodding.

Tsukauchi:"He's a villian who calls himself Jinx."

At this the two females gasp.

Tsukauchi:"From what we know he's a little sporadic about what he does. Ranging from vandalization to assualts on heros and bombing abandoned buildings."

???:"So I could've been in more danger..."

Tsukauchi:"So far we have yet to confirm him harming innocent civilian's intentionally."

???2:"That's comforting to know."

Tsukauchi:"Stay safe on the way home you two."


Kurogiri:"Y/n you shouldn't be drinking."

"Why'd I manage to get a bottle then?"

I ask smugly only to have the bottle disintegrate in my hand and the liquid inside spill on the floor.


I take my gun out and point it at him as Kurogiri sighs.

Shigiraki:"Where'd you even get that gun?"

"Where do you keep your chapstick? Oh thats right you don't have any!"

Handy growls as he goes to grab the gun but I pull it away before he could use his quirk on it.

Kurogiri:"Please stop fighting."

Handy and I glare at each other, he sits at the bar but I stay standing glaring at the wall, no at the thing standing infront of it.

I point my gun at it, but before I could pull the trigger Kurogiri pulls the gun from my grip and blocks my view.

Kurogiri:"Jinx their isn't anything there."

When he moves I see that he's right and it's gone.

Handy mutters something, but I form a blue ball of crsytalized energy and throw it in his drink as he tries to take a drink.

Taking my gun from Giri I stomp upstairs, as the voices start.

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