Chapter 11

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No PoV

"Isn't this illegal? Unlawful detainment?" I ask Caitlyn.

"I'm just a sister trying to get her brother-in-law to take his medicine." Caitlyn tells me not looking up from her paperwork.

We were currently at the Mustafa Police Station. Vi had hero work and I'm not suppose to be on my own.

Which was the exact reason why I was cuffed to Caitlyn's desk. Well I was cuffed because I again didn't want to take my medicine.

"Do you need help little guy?" A female police officer ask me.

However I kick her leg making her loose balance and almost fall face first into the floor. She would have if she didn't catch the side of a desk.

"Aww~ The little guy is moody." She teases pushing herself off the desk.

"Izana stop messing with Jinx and get back to work." Tsukauchi orders her.


"No buts. Back to work." He say interrupting her.

"Do you even have my pills?" I ask turning Caitlyn.

She takes a pill bottle out and hands a pill to me. I look at it with reluctance. I mean pink was telling me not to take it.

"Pink says not to take it." I tell her.

"Pink isn't real." She tells me.

I look around and sure enough Pink was gone. Hesitantly I bring the pill up to my mouth and put it in. Caitlyn hands me a glass of water and with it I swallow the pill.

I shudder at the after taste of the pill. You'd think they would get medicine to taste good.

Caitlyn uncuffs me and hands me my switch.  "Here you go Powder I got Breath of the Wild and Cuphead for you."

I smile and take the switch. I don't notice Caitlyn's smile as she watches me become engrossed with the game.

"Hey Jinx you were with the leauge of villians weren't you?" A ripped female officer ask.

"Yeah, why?" I ask looking up at her.

"Where's their hideout?" She ask.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I hear Caitlyn mutter.

"A rundown bar in the south part of Mustafa, it's next to a clothing store. On the outside it looks like an abandoned building." I tell her and go back to my game.

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"I know english." I tell Pony who looks suprised.

"How?" Pony ask me.

"I was trying to learn a schematic for something, it was english, so I got distracted and spent the rest of the night learning the language." I tell her. "Listened to english songs after that to help."

"I didn't expect to meet anyone who could speak english here, could you help me learn Japanese?" She ask and I nod.

"Sure." I tell her and she seemed happy about it.

"Y/n." I hear someone say and turn to see Jiro.

"Hiya Jiro." I say with a smile.

"Hi, my parents want to meet you." She tells me and I grow nervous.

"I've already met you mom." I say.

"Yes, but with the recent revelation..." She says.

"Does she want to kill me?" I ask worried.

"What? No!" She says suprised.

"Oh... well I have to check with Vi and Caitlyn and bring one of them." I tell her. "Gotta be with one of them if I am not on school grounds."

"Oh okay, that's fine." Jiro tells me.

"By the way meet Pony, Pony this is Jiro." I say introducing the two.

"Hi." Pony says in japanese.

"She's an American transfer and her japanese isn't that good yet." I tell Jiro who nods.

"Hi. I am actually trying to learn english so maybe we could help each other." Jiro says to Pony who seems to get excited.

The two of them start to talk as Y/n listens to the two.

"Y/n I heard you weren't allowed to participate in the sports festival." Pony says suprising me.

"What?! Why?!" I ask upset.

"You probably will be allowed to next year." Jiro says, probably trying to cheer me up.

"But... I wanted to have fun." I say with a pout. "This is stupid."

"Just the way things are Powder." Vi says sitting down next to me. "If you are good Nezu might let you help Midnight as ref."

"I can still mess with people then!" I exclaim happy.

Vi rolls her eyes. "Just don't call her a hooker, stripper or anything like that, okay?"

"Okay, but it's not my fault she's dressed like that." I say trying to defend myself.

"Good behavior remember." Vi says and I nod.

"By the way Jiro's parents want to meet me." I tell her.

Vi looks over at Jiro who was still talking to Pony and nods. "Okay, Hound said he had things covered today and Cupcake is busy at the station."

"Cool. Can we visit Mika too?" I ask and she nods.

"Sure." She says. "Now eat your vegetables."


"Eat them Powder."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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