Chapter 7

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Y/n:"You guys were no fun."

Y/n said whinning as he sat on a crate looking at a group of criminals who were on the floor, a few were bleeding out.

T1:"What do you want bastard?!"


Y/n hoped off of the crate and knelt down to the downed thug and pulled him up by his hair.

Y/n:"I just wanted to have some fun, and I was told I couldn't mess with the hero's, and you are all scum so..."

Y/n points his gun at the guys head and fires splattering the rest with the thugs head.

Y/n:"You're all free reign!"

The rest of the thugs can only stare in horror as Y/n laughs like a insane person infront of them with bits of blood on his face.

T2:"You're crazy!"

T3:"Someone Help!"

Y/n:"Awww~ Are ya scared imma shoot ya?"

Y/n ask the other thugs in a voice a mother would talk to her baby with.

T4:"You're sick!"

T3:"Please we wont sell drugs or people anymore!"

Y/n:"Fine~ I wont shoot you."

Y/n gets up with a grin, but the thugs don't notice as relief is evident on their faces.

Y/n reaches into a bag and pulls a few bombs out, that look like they have chomping mouths.

Y/n tosses a few bombs around the area before tossing an active one infront of the thugs.

T2:"What the hell?"

T4:"You said you wouldn't shoot us!"

Y/n:"Bombs don't shoot."

Y/n says with a grin before leaving the building giggling.

The warehouse explodes in a flash of blue as Y/n watches from the fire escape of a nearby building.

Y/n stays on the fire escape as he watches emergency response arrive and start to deal wtih the situation.

Hero's, firefighters, cops, paramedics the usual people who would show up at a situation like this. Even a journalist or two to get the situation.

A few citizens who were still up at 11 am watched and a few peaked out of their windows. Luckily no one was in the apartment who's window Y/n was standing outside of.

Eventually Y/n sighs getting tired of watching the responders working and climbs down the fire escape and leaves the scene.


Arriving back at the bar I see that Kurogiri is still up. Polishing a glass like usual. You think all the glasses would be polished to perfection at this point.

"I'm going to bed." I say as I pass him.

Kurogiri:"The attack on UA is today."

"Then I'm just going to take a nap." I say as I trudge upstairs.

Jiro POV

Staring at the last message Y/n sent me I sigh. He probably didn't mean anything by it.

As I was about to turn my phone off and put it away Mina looks over my shoulder and see the message.

Mina:"ooo~ Is that your boyfriend?"

I blush. "What? No he's just my friend."


"He is." I defend. "I met him at a coffee shop."

Mina:"Really? How is he?"

"He's nice and we get along well." I tell her.

Toru:"Is he cute?"

"Wha?!" I stutter out suprised with blushing face. "Why do you need to know that?"

Mina:"So you do think he's cute."


Aizawa:"Settle down we're here."

We all get off the bus and are greeted by Thirteen the rescue hero along with a woman with long blue hair holding a rifle.

Thirteen:"Greeting I am so glad you can make it. I am Thirteen and this is Enforcer."

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Looking around after being teleported I see that Momo and Denki were with me, along with Enforcer. We were in the ruined city part of the USJ.

Enforcer:"Are you three okay?"

I nod as I get up. "Yeah."

Enforcer looked like she was about to say anything but when we all heard steps coming towards us we turned to the doorway and saw someone, Jinx.

Jinx:"Enforcer~ Nice meeting you here."

Jinx says and I notice his eyes flashing between blue and pink. He seemed kind of familiar...


He looks at me and I can see the confusion on his face and then a bit of reluctance, but that faded so fast I not sure if I saw right.

Jinx:"You're the girl that I saved from the pedo."

He took a step towards me and Enforcer pointed her rifle at him.

Enforcer:"Stay put Jinx."

Jinx pouted looking at her.

Jinx:"Aww~ you don't trust me? You're gonna hurt my feelings."

A grin appeared on his face after and he started to giggle. Before I knew it he pulled his revolver looking gun out and pointed it at Enforcer.

Kaminari stepped forward but Enforcer stopped him.

Enforcer:"Stop! Stay back."

Kaminari:"I can just shock him and knock him out."

Enforcer:"No. We don't know how many more villians are here."

Jinx:"And you might just set something off."

Momo:"What do you mean?"

Enforcer stared at Jinx as he just grinned.

Enforcer:"You've planted bombs around the builidng haven't you?"

Jinx doesn't respond. Instead he throws a blue round crystal at the wall causing an explosion, not a second later another explosion rocks the building.

Kaminari:"You're insane!"

Jinx:"Thanks. I get that alot."

Enforcer:"What's you game?"

Jinx:"Well handy wants to kill All Might. But me... well I want a certain... cupcake lover." 

When he said that I saw Enforcer's grip tighten on her rifle. She knew who he was refering too.

Jinx quickly points his pistol at Kaminari and fires before any of us could react. The glowling light blue shot hits him in the forhead.

"Kaminiari!" Momo and I yell worried.

Enforcer:"They're just kids leave them out of this!"

I turn to see Jinx giggling like a mad man and glare at him.

Jinx:"Relax... no blood right?"

Turning to Kaminari I see that Jinx is right. Their isn't any blood or bullethole in his head.

Jinx:"Now why don't you comply before their is?"

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