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I have no idea how these things work so just keep that in mind :,)

TW: brief mentions of self-harm

Photoshoot day.

I've been dreading today since my agent called me a couple of weeks ago.

I woke up and checked the clock.  I still had two hours before I had to get there.

I worked my way down the stairs to a quiet house.  I would say my quiet home, but I'm not sure this has ever felt like home.

I walked downstairs and decided on using the treadmill until I have to get ready.  I started slow, not wanting to injure myself before the shoot.
While running, my mind wandered to a bit so peaceful place.  The photoshoots were always a dread in my life.  When I started, I was so excited to be in front of the camera, but now, I couldn't wait for it to be over.  Most of the stuff in the public eye, but I can't stand being around so many people.  Usually I wasn't the only mode there, so I tried not to let myself beat myself up over their beauty, but it was really hard.  I had no friends in the industry, and most of the people are snobby brats that come from rich families, whereas I came from a family on the poorer side, and had a mom who risked everything for me to have this, however I'm convinced she was more excited than I ever was.

The speed was picking up and I tried to focus on my feet but it was hard.  Matteo was brought up in my mind at some point and now I can't stop thinking of him.  We were best friends when we were kids.  We were inseparable.  I used to run around the house while he and Ethan chased me with nerf guns, but that game always ended up with me and Ethan shooting Matteo to forfeit.  I miss being his best friend.  We also always played with this girl we frequently saw at the park.  Brielle.  She was the one person I trusted other than my brother.  She was truly my best friend.  We used to go to Matteo's now favorite diner and share a cup of vanilla ice cream every Friday after school.  I haven't been back to that diner since she left when I was ten, I couldn't do it.

I slowed down the treadmill and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.  I had thirty minutes before I had to leave which may mean me being late.  I ran up the basement stairs to see Matteo whistling around the kitchen.  I smiled, but shook my head immediately.  No time for smiling.  I ran upstairs and picked out a white crop top with a skirt that had tiny back and white checkers fitted with a black belt.  I set them all on my bathroom counter and turned on the shower water, immediately stepping inside.  I shivered at the feeling I've cold water running down my back.

I quickly got in and out of the shower and made it out in time to blow dry and straighten my hair.  It looked halfway decent which I didn't really care because I know somebody would change it once I got there.

I almost fell trying to hurry down the stairs.  I had fifteen minutes until I'm supposed to be there and it takes seven not including traffic.

"Bye Matteo," I yelled to the blonde in the kitchen.

"Good luck," he yelled back.

People always said my brother and I looked like twins.  I definitely agreed.  Looking at him was like looking in the mirror, only the mirror is a dude.  We had the same pale skin, same blonde hair, even the same blue eyes.

Before I knew it, I was pulling into the studio, keeping myself from smacking my head on the car door in frustration.

I opened the door and was immediately bombarded with people trying to, as they put it, "fix my face". I sat down and instantly had four people working on me. One person was curling my hair, two were beginning on my makeup, and the last was picking out my outfit.

My makeup was done in record time. I had on a nude lipstick and "natural" makeup, aka. caked on makeup that doesn't look natural but looks nice.

My hair finished curling and I was already being escorted to dressing rooms with my outfit in hand. People were already getting pictures and I was just trying to finish.

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