Chapter 8

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Author: Hi readers! Well, I did not plan on Rose appearing out of no where!! I even surprise myself! 😝 I'll put up a picture of her later!!!

Any way, I'll just give a small description of her:

Rose has medium long, dark brown hair and with light pink highlights at the ends of her hair, which is tied a pony tail. She wears a dark shaded purple tank top with a short sky blue skirt.

Now, to the story!! 😊

{General POV}

People looked at her with confused looks. Does she really know about Julie's past?, everyone thought. The silence broke as Gray went towards Rose and said, "What do you mean?" He looked a bit mad, afterall, she did run up to his sister, whom has no memory of her own!

"Oh, has she not told you?" Rose broke from the death hug she was giving Julie.

"Well, first of all, Julie can't remember her past, other than her name." Gray told her.

Julie let out a sigh of relief of being out of the girl's grasp. Ed suddenly went to her aid and asked if she was ok. He was about to use his healing magic, but she raised her hand slightly to stop him.

{Julie's POV}

My mind raced with confused thoughts. What did Rose know that I didn't? Who were my family? What are my roots? Why can't I remember anything? Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by Ed snapping me out of trance-like state.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I put on a smile and said, "Yup!" I always want to show no fear and be brave at anytime, because I felt needed at Fairy Tail and people looked up to me.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you many details at all." Rose bowed down.

"Please explain what you can." I told Rose as I put my hand on her shoulder, standing in front of her. As much as I wanted to cry right now in frustration, I stood there, fearless.

"All I can tell you I that you need to save the people of the other kingdom." Rose told us as she finally say down, her front hair covered her eyes.


"Umm, ok I guess, but I at least want to know. Are they in great danger because of someone?" I asked worriedly. She slowly nodded, as if she hesitated because she spoke too much info. I hugged her and told her that we would help.

"Ok guys, we will now form a team to go with me to the kingdom!" I announced. Many people gathered, they were very curious of how this would turn out. I shooed them away as Ed, Rose, and me were sitting far away. Once I new it was safe to talk, we went straight to discussing.

After a few minutes, I stood on top of a table, ready to speak.

"Here is our team:

• Lucy
and- " I was interrupted by Jellal entering the guild hall. I waved him over to the group. Everyone had confused looks on their faces. This was my surprise for a certain red-head woman, part of Team Natsu.

"Well, now my special surprise person came! Now he's part of the group!" I said as I winked to Erza. It seemed she blushed as she realized why he was here.

Man, I really hope this works! I just want them all to be happy and pay back the years I wasn't here for them. It breaks my heart every time I think about the hardships they went through, when I could have helped, but it's all in the past now!

"Ok, lead the way Rose!!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs. Everyone gave a cry of joy and yelled out good byes as we left. I wonder what lies ahead for us!


Please comment what you think so far!! 😊

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