Hothead Hotline (BakuNeta)

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(Art has nothing to do with the chapters, I just like sharing:)
Rating: Teen and up (language, implied domestic abuse)
Pairing: Bakugo/Mineta
Tags: hurt/comfort, feels, prompt, I saw this prompt in a BakuNeta discord and had to write it, Mineta Minoru needs and hug, Mineta Minoru is a little shit, Bakugo is done with Mineta's bullshit


Minoru uses the 'hothead hotline' and calls Bakugou for help after a fight with his parents. In a moment of anger Bakugou completely manages to embarrass himself, much to Minoru's delight.


The world blurred by past the windows of Bakugou's car, a dizzying sight. Mineta couldn't tear his eyes away from the passing trees and buildings however, ignoring the nausea it caused. His chest still burned with anger and his eyes burned for an entirely different reason, but he was safe now. Huh, safety and Bakugou were things that Minoru never expected to exist in unison.

"Cut it with the brooding bullshit. Tell me what happened, all of it." Bakugou finally snapped, turning off whatever station had been playing with a harsh turn of the dial. Mineta jumped with a squeak, facing his companion.

Bakugou was driving and his eyes were on the road, but Mineta could constantly feel them burning into him. He squirmed, face burning with shame.

Bakugou and him were acquaintances and maybe even friends if you squinted, but this was entirely new. Somehow in a weird turn of events Bakugou had become the official mama bear of the bakusquad to call when you were in trouble, and in an even weirder turn of events Mineta realized he was somehow part of the bakusquad.

It had been a complete panic response. Mineta was mad and had stormed from his house, leaving him with no place to go and no idea what to do. He had Bakugou's contact from the very few times they'd talked, but he'd somehow managed to call and convey enough of the situation for Bakugou to come and get him.

It was surreal. Part of him hadn't actually expected Bakugou to show up.

"I'm waiting." Mineta flinched, fidgeting as he thought over how best to explain.

"Um, my parents were fighting?" He managed, phrasing it almost as a question and avoiding the blood red eyes glaring over at him.


Minoru sighed. He'd just say it.

"Uh, they were yelling each other about something stupid and I got involved. My dad and I started screaming at each other and he got mad enough to use his quirk on me to shut me up, he has a vine quirk, and so I got mad and used my quirk on him and my mom was screaming, so I just left before things could get worse." Mineta felt himself shaking a little, rubbing at the faint red marks and small white scratches from his father's vines. He hated his parents fighting, and even though he always made things worse, he felt like he needed to get involved.

Bakugou growled, glancing at the marks on his classmate's wrists.

"The fucking nerve. Why can't parents treat their kids with fucking decency?" He glared at the road ahead, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "You need new fucking parents, not those rotting shit heaps." Mineta silently watched Katsuki work himself up.

"You know what, even I'd be a better fucking parent! I'll be your new fucking dad and teach you how to fucking fight like a man. And your fucking mom too, since yours doesn't have a spine."

Bakugou straightened in his seat, face determined.

"I'll be your new parents, you're fucking...dom!" He yelled.

Several beats of silence passed and Minoru tried to hide the snicker building. Bakugou Katsuki, the meanest son of a bitch in class 1-A, just energetically pronounced himself as Mineta's dom.

"Wait, shit! No, not that! Fuck, you know what I meant twerp!" Bakugou looked mortified, smacking his hand against the wheel as he tried to regain control of the situation. However, it was too late, the damn had broken.

Minoru couldn't breathe he was laughing so hard. He squirmed in his seat, hitting his thighs and trying to regain his composure. Every time he came close he would glance at Bakugou's embarrassed and offended face and start cackling again.

"Shut up!" The angry yell made him laugh even harder, tears gathering in his eyes as the image of an angry Pomeranian flashed through his mind.

He looked up at his friend, choking down his laughter and forcing himself to speak.

"D-daddy?" He couldn't keep up the act, snorting at the pure offense and horror on Bakugou's face as he literally swerved the car into the next lane. God, if they were to die, those were worthy last words.

"D-don't you-! Fucking fucker -argh!" Bakugou stammered, the scent of singed leather filling the car as his hands sparked against he wheel. Minoru was barely holding himself together, hyperventilating to try and stop laughing like a madman. It was so fucking hard!

"Don't you ever call me that again you little grape fucker! I'll make you a fucking orphan again you ungrateful son of a bitch! I will throw you out of his fucking car while I'm driving!" The blonde cursed him out. Minoru was surprised he wasn't making angry gestures, but there was still a small possibility his hands were stuck to the burnt steering wheel.

"Haha, I'm, ha, sorry!" Minoru managed, smiling wide. His chest was soaring and he felt far from how he'd felt moments earlier. Damn, he actually didn't regret calling Katsuki, even if he might end up dead on the side of the road.

"I literally couldn't resist man, you brought it on yourself!"

Bakugou insisted through a barrage of cursing that no, he did no such thing and obviously Mineta's pervert mind took the situation out of context. Getting laughed at by a four foot nothing loser was definitely a blow to his ego, but at least the little shit wasn't brooding. They already had one edge lord in the class.

Minoru had laughed out something in response and the two had bickered the entire drive. By the time they pulled in Bakugou didn't actively plan on killing Mineta, which was nice, but the occidental snicker and mutter of 'dom' under the grapes breath assured nothing about his survival.

(Bakugou's hands did end up being stuck to the steering wheel, which caused a lot more cursing and laughing. Minoru had completely forgotten why he'd called Bakugou in the first place, happy to help pry his hands from melted leather and reply to scathing insults. He'd definitely make use of the hothead helpline in the future.)

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