Sweet Tooth (Sato & Mineta)

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Rating: Gen
Pairing: Rikido Sato & Mineta Minoru
Tags: comfort food, food makes people feel things, Mineta is a decent human being, but still a pervert, feels, baker Sato, Mineta is a little shit, Mineta is a flirt


Sato loved to bake for people, to share his passion.
His own personal creations, however, are dangerously sweet and considered a hazard by the rest of the class.

He's surprised to find he isn't the only one with a sweet tooth.


Sato had been taught that the way to someone's heart was through their stomach. He liked finding his way to people's hearts, offering his hard work in the form of cookies and treats in order to make friends.

His mother had always chided him for using too much sugar and making stuff far too sweet for normal folk, but he'd found he wasn't the only one with a massive sweet tooth.

Training under Lunch Rush had taught him a lot about flavor, about the normal levels of sweetness to have in food, but Sato was only human. He had been granted special permission by the school to have an oven and other kitchen items in his dorm. (They told him not to advertise it, nobody wanted another microwave incident.)
After a long day of class and training, with his muscles aching and his limbs heavy, he would bake for just him.

At first, when they were all still settling into dorm life, the smell would lure a few waywards students, but they had quickly learned that Sato's personal baked goods were practically inedible to anyone but him.

Now he just ate his monstrosities alone in his room, listening to the quiet racket outside his little bubble.

The knocking had startled him, hesitant and light and very low on the door.

He'd rolled his eyes seeing Minoru, for once separate from his other half in Denki. The two had once attempted to coerce him into teaching them how to bake because "Chicks dig a guy that can bake" but they had both been such disasters he'd banned them from his room and the kitchen.

Mineta had looked up at him with nervous determination, hands tightly clasped in front of him.

"Mineta I already told you-" Sato started, hand on his hip in what the others called his mom pose.

"No, it's not about that! Denki and I have decided to never attempt to bake again, I just..." He looked down, leaving Sato to just stare down at his strange hair. "Can I try what you made? It's purin, right?" He looked hopefully up at him, straining his neck to meet Sato's eyes.

He was a bit impressed that Mineta had guessed the desert from just the smell, but he was hesitant.

"You probably won't like it." He sighed, but he let the door open a few more inches and Mineta slipped in like a breeze. Not for the first time he wondered why Minoru didn't enroll in stealth extra curriculars, he was very small and sneaky.

Mineta shrugged, looking around the room where everything was so much bigger than him with awe. This wasn't the first time he'd been in there, but he looked at a lot of things like that. LIke he was seeing them for the first time.
"The smell was making me homesick, I had to ask. My Ma used to make the best purin on our street. Store bought just doesn't taste right." He sounded wistful, and there was definitely a story there.

Sato was hesitant. He liked sharing, even with less savory students, and he had always let the others try his overly sweet treats to make that decision themselves. They always hated it, but he'd let them decide that. He just really hoped that his overly sweet version wouldn't ruin the dessert for Mineta forever. He made his carmel sweet instead of bitter and his custard was very firm from how much sugar he put in the mix.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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