Bizzare Attraction (MinaNeta)

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Rating: Gen
Pairing: Mina/Mineta
Prompt: MiMi (Mineta/Mina) 'Bizzare Attraction' from Knight_Beast
Tags: College au, no quirks au, Dancer Ashido Mina, Mineta is a good friend, but also a fucking weirdo, Mineta is very smart, but still a pervert, falling in love


Ashido Mina was a perfectly normal, perfectly sane, perfectly human being.

Well, she used to be sane. She was now starting to question that.

There was no other explanation.


Her neighbor was a total weirdo.

She supposed a lot of the people in off campus housing were, but this guy was just particularly strange. He was, quite possibly, the shortest young adult she'd ever met, and he was actually a sophomore, whereas she was a freshman.

He wore hideous yellow platform boots (with neon purple laces, yikes!) and wore shirts for animes, and she'd definitely seen him in a ahegao hoodie at one point. He was kinda noisy and more than a little creepy, but he was probably the nicest person she'd met in the last few weeks. This college was a higher end one, and people looked at her like she hadn't earned her keep yet. Weirdo guy hadn't even known her for five minutes before telling her all the best haunts and giving no less than seven movie recommendations.

She was a little desperate for human contact.

"Pinky!" Mineta yelled, flagging her down as he left the science building. He had given her the name for her curly pink hair, which he said was very fitting for her personality, whatever that meant. He had purple hair that was always in tightly wound circular buns. She was pretty sure he was mixed only because of his hair.

(He'd said once that they were destined to be friends as the only two people in the school with cool hair. He had also said that "Since the first three letters of our names are the same we're probably soulmates", so she took everything he said with a tablespoon of salt.)

He passed her a stick of bubble gum, something he'd started doing habitually after finding out she liked the flavor. Mina accepted the gum without a thought, popping it into her mouth and trying to remember where the Macsomething building was.

"Hey Mineta, where's that Ma- Makso- mahjiggy building?" She gave up trying to remember that stupid name. She was still getting lost and she'd been there for weeks now.

"Maskoka! This way!" He dramatically pointed before starting off with determination. Mina rolled her eyes, but followed him. She'd figured out he was a bit of a social pariah and most people avoided him. She was a little worried it would rub off on her, but she figured they didn't like her much anyways.

"It's a scholarship thing, they don't like when people who don't have gold plated toilet seats breathe their air." Minoru sipped his egregiously sugary tea as Mina stared at the weird fancy drink he'd picked for her. The library cafe was stupid expensive, but he'd offered to buy her first drink since she was a 'freshie'. "I've also been told I'm not the easiest person to get along with."

"That blows." She tentatively sipped the monstrosity and was slightly irritated by the fact he'd gotten it completely right and she loved it.

"Yeah, what's your scholarship? I have...three I think. One for academic prowess, one for coming from poverty but 'excelling' or some shit, and one because I accidentally saved someone from dying." He counted off his fingers, looking pensive. "I'm full ride as long as I stay out of trouble for once." She had a feeling he wasn't great at staying out of trouble.

"Oh, it's a dance scholarship. The benefactor saw a performance of mine and was impressed I guess. It only covers the first year but that's why I'm working, to get a head start on student loans." Mineta perked up at that.

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