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Rating: Teen
Pairing: Class 1-a girls & Mineta
Tags: misunderstandings, unhealthy coping mechanisms, pervert Mineta, Mineta is doing his best, Kaminari is a good friend, artist Mineta, Hound Dog is a good guidance counselor, Aizawa is so done with these brats, Mina is a little shit


Mineta has been acting strange recently, always buried in a mysterious ratty notebook.

The girls are suspicious.


Mineta Minoru was a weirdo, and the class had learned to be very wary of his intentions in every situation.

Where he sat? Probably to get a good look up a skirt.
Oh, he was in the library? Well the girls had a study group he was definitely perving on.
He was in the kitchen at 3am eating goldfish again? Probably to wait for a girl to come around in her sleep clothes so he could ogle.

Maybe they were paranoid, but Mineta was an easy kid to jump to conclusions about. They weren't always right, but they weren't always wrong either. Mineta did everything with a tiny bit of perversion, with roving eyes or quiet comments sometimes, not just his blatant staring or wandering hands. How were they to trust any of his actions, no matter how innocent they seemed?

Like the notebook.

Mineta had a spiral bound notebook held together with duct tape and willpower, always with a mechanical pencil hooked in the spiral and always in his bag. He would sit silently, something very strange for him, and just write in that notebook. During class, or free time, or hidden up in the bleachers and watching the students run or talk, pencil always moving.

"He probably keeps data in there, like cup sizes and creepy stuff like that." Mina peeked around the corner, blowing her curls out of her eyes.

"Or stalker stuff, like hair?" Jirou shivered, touching her hair as if to look for an uneven lock.

Momo sighed, crossing her arms and looking at them like they were ridiculous, even as she looked a bit unsettled by their theories.
"I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe he likes to write."

"Let's ask Denki!" Hagakure burst out, totally disregarding Momo's input as the girl huddle slunk off. Momo shared a look with Tsuyu, who had an amused smile.

"You know what's in there, don't you." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

Asui just smiled, a twinkle in her eye as she walked away.


"Denki, come on!" Mina whined from her place sprawled on his lap. The blonde had been minding his own business in the computer lab and was more than a little grumpy about getting mauled and having his character die in whatever game he was playing.

He just shoved her off and rolled away in his spinny chair, looking at the lot of them suspiciously.

"Why don't you guys just ask him? I don't even know what's in there, but he's super protective of it. Leave it alone." He crossed his arms, trying to remain stoic under four stares.

"Would you look in it for us?" Uraraka asked nervously, shoving her hands in her pockets. They knew that Denki was fiercely loyal, but this was a matter of national security!

Denki looked offended, but before he could snap Mina cut him off.

"I'll give you a kiss?" She seemed unfazed by her friend's judgment as Kaminari sputtered.

"Dude! You're like my sister!" He threw an eraser from a nearby desk at her, which she caught and melted.

Mina sighed, thinking hard for a long moment before getting a wicked grin.
"What if Jirou kisses you?"

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