A Star With A Slight Shade Of Purple

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Rating: Gen
Pairing: N/a
Tags: Ficlet, parental love, Mineta is a god?, could be applied to canon if you squint.

Inspired by a comment by antisocial_rat, who told me that 'If I were a star, I would be the only star with a slight shade of purple.'
Don't completely know what that means but it sounded sweet and inspired this pretty word vomit.


A short tale of the mother of creation and the son she loves with her entire soul.


A star with a slight shade of purple

The galaxy, a name given to encompass the unknown sprawling mass of the heavens. Thousands of miles of stars and rock, a void impossible of retaining life.

The Mother of All was the galaxy. She was the blackness where each star was held in time, the flares from the sun, and the light that touched the earth gently, dangerous and beautiful. She was everything, from the air to the water, the grass to the trees. She was all things, but there was something she had no control over.


Strange little creatures, so distinct in their ways. They built and they destroyed, they even climbed their way to her stars.

She watched them for decades, watched them live and die, watched them challenge her ideals. Sometimes they made her furious, but mostly, they made her lonely.

She longed for a child, a baby of her own. The earth was no longer hers, but a baby would be hers forever! A child would love her back in a way her creation never could.

And so, using half her very soul, she gave life to a star.

The star became an infant, shaking the heavens with a cry. It's skin was the heavens themselves, black and blue and purple with freckles of stars. He was perfect.

"I shall call you Mineb ."

He grew faster than she was prepared for, talking before fifty years had passed. He was learning, watching the humans from his place in the sky.

" What am I? " He asked one day, hundred of years having passed. " I'm not a human, but I'm not you. " His voice, so quiet and soft.

" You are me, just some. You are a mini nebula, a star I breathed life into. You are my greatest creation. You, my dear Mineb, are a god. "

Mineb watched the humans often, remarking on their forms.

" I wish I was a human. " He remarked one pass of the sun, stars twlinking.

" Why? " The Mother asked. Why would any being like them wish to be a mortal?

" Humans live. And then they die. We never die, we never truly age. Why would you wish to be mortal? "

Mineb watched a hero save two youths, a tiny blip that hardly mattered in the scheme of time.

" They don't care about being mortals. They live far more than we ever have. "

He never said another word on it, but Mother knew his heart was millions of miles below them.

Mother loved her child. She loved him far more than she had ever loved anything. It frightened her how much she loved him, how little she regarded herself when it came to her boy.

With that love in mind, she sang her boy to sleep with a song that swayed the heavens and made the oceans still. Mineb dispersed, his stars spreading across the sky.

Shedding tears that raining quietly down, she gave up her son. She loved him desperately, and if his happiness was saving those who didn't deserve saving, then she'd let him do that.

As the heavens let loose and the skies wailed, a baby's shrill cry greeted the world. A baby boy, hair purple as the nebula and eyes as black as the night. Skin speckled with stars, tiny perfections on his writhing little body. He screamed, only soothed by the beat of the rain on the roof.

The Mother watched, singing her son a lullaby he couldn't understand.

She would see him again one day, watch him live and die before he would join her again among the stars, but for now he had another mother.

"Mineta." His mother whispered as Mother spoke alongside her. The human held her baby, unaware she held half the galaxy.

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