Love Bites (BakuNeta)

284 6 1

Rating: Matureish? (Vampires, blood, homoerotic subtext)
Pairing: Bakugo/Mineta
Tags: Angst, vampire au, Vampire! Bakugo, one-sided attraction, ?, pining Mineta Minoru, ??, just two bros sharing blood cause they're not gay, blood drinking, non graphic depictions of gore.
(Got added to the best of Mineta fics collection!! :)


Across the room red eyes loomed and sharp teeth flashed, baring into his soul. Minoru smiled, even as a shiver racked down his spine as his instinct told him to flee. Even after all this time, his body reacted like prey.

Maybe it was because that was exactly what he was.



Minoru wasn't quite sure why he still knocked. He knew the door was open and he would never be denied entry. Still, partially out of habit and partially out of the fear he'd one day walk in on something, he always knocked. He never got a response, but the door would slowly creak open and that was the only response he ever needed.

The light from the hallway did little to light the dark room, but Minoru knew his way around by now. He simply slid into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. He may be welcome, but only him at this time of night. Prying eyes didn't belong here.

He stood in the pitch black, back against the door. Blackout curtains covered the sliding door and window, not even allowing starlight into the room. How predictable.

He was out of his element in the darkness, but he was never meant to be in it. He wasn't alone, and his company preferred it that way.

Across the room red eyes loomed and sharp teeth flashed, baring into his soul. Minoru smiled, even as a shiver racked down his spine as his instinct told him to flee. Even after all this time, his body reacted like prey.

Maybe it was because that was exactly what he was.


"You're so dramatic." His voice was soft, a tone that could be described as fond if the situation was different. Instead, it was a tone of detachment, simply because that was what it had to be.

There was a huff from the darkness, the red eyes narrowing in annoyance. Minoru's smile only grew, even as his heart sped up.

"Shut up. Come here." That gruff voice he knew so well growled from the shadows, perpetually angry. The voice that haunted his dreams and never failed to turn his blood to ice in the best way.

Minoru lowered his eyes, smile starting to fade as he took slow steps forward. He wasn't as short as he used to be, but being here, in this presence, he always felt small.

"You know you don't need me." He whispered, kneeling when he reached the bed. He'd been told before that he belonged below, that he was nothing more than a stepping stone to other's successes. Here, kneeling before Him, he understood that statement.

"What are you talking about?" The boy was looming above him, voice angrier than usual. He never asked, he demanded.

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