Finding You part 4 ch 4

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Finding you part 4 ch 4~At The Quartermaine~Skye and Lorenzo came in with the children. "Now I want to make sure you have all you belong to," Skye said "Yes Mother," Skylar said Alice came in with a tray of cupcakes. "The cook made cupcakes for all of you," Alice said "Thank you, Alice," Genevieve said she went to grab one but Skye stop her and took the tray. "Alice tell the cook thank you but no thanks the children had too much junk food," Skye said "Yes, I'm glad you're well," Alice said "Thank you," Skye said "Mother! That's not fair" Genevieve said "Life isn't" Skye said Genevieve went by the bar as Lorenzo's phone rang. "I have to take this" Lorenzo said as he left. "Genevieve what are you doing" Skye ask "Pour some sparkling water, Do you want me to pour you a drink, Their vodka I know that it's a grown-up drink," Genevieve said "No, Go sit down and drink your water," Skye said Genevieve sit down and Skye look at the bar as Alan came in. "Skye," Alan said "Genevieve ask me if I want some vodka," Skye said "She doesn't know," Alan said "No, She doesn't know I'm an alcoholic none of my children do and I would love a drink right now but I can't," Skye said "I know you're worried about you to son but you need to stay strong," Alan said "I will," Skye said

Outside~Lorenzo was on this phone. "Did you find her, Thank you" Lorenzo said and hang up and went back inside and went by Skye who was alone sitting by the bar looking at the vodka. "Skye what is it" Lorenzo ask "Nothing" Skye said she turn around and touch his suit. "I have to take care of something will you be okay" Lorenzo ask "Yes, Jamie can help me with the children," Skye said "Good, Don't overdo it," Lorenzo said "I will not," Skye said as Skylar and Lila Rae and Genevieve came by. "Girls I have to go take care of something, I need you all to behave for your mother, Genevieve that means you, "Lorenzo said "I will," Genevieve said and rolled her eyes at Lorenzo and he left. "Are you all set" Skye ask "Yes Mother" Skylar said "Why can't we just stay here" Genevieve ask "Because we have a home of our own" Skye said

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