Finding You part 4 ch 11

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Finding you part 4 ch 11~At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Genevieve saw a man outside by her window and took the book on her desk and throw it at the window and the glass broke. "That did feel good," Genevieve said as Lorenzo and Skye came in. "What is this yelling about" Lorenzo asked "There is a man outside," Genevieve said "Genevieve it's the guards," Lorenzo said "No this man looks like you Daddy," Genevieve said "Skye take all the children downstairs," Lorenzo said "Be careful," Skye said "I will," Lorenzo said Skye took Genevieve hand and they went out of the room and Lorenzo pulls out his gun from his jacket and went outside and point the gun at the man. "You're not going to shoot me, "The man said "You," Lorenzo said as he put the gun away. "Yes I need to talk to you, You family isn't safe," The man said "Why did you come by the window, You scare my daughter" Lorenzo ask "I didn't mean to," The man said "Let's go inside and into my office and talk," Lorenzo said

Skye was downstairs with the children. "Genevieve did you break the glass door to the sunroom" Skylar ask "Yes and it feels good to break glass," Genevieve said "I'm sure it does," Luis said "No more break glass, Now stay here," Skye said "Yes Mother," Genevieve said Skye left.

Lorenzo was in his office talking to the man that was outside when Skye came in. "Tomas," Skye said "Skye it's good to see you," Tomas said "Why are you here" Skye ask "Skye take the children out, I need to talk to Tomas," Lorenzo said "Lorenzo," Skye said "Skye please," Lorenzo said "Alright," Skye said "I would like to meet your children, I'm not going to hurt them, I'm family," Tomas said "I do believe you, Alright," Lorenzo said "You better not hurt my babies," Skye said Skye took Lorenzo hand and they went to see the children with Tomas.  "Lila Rae, Luis, Skylar, Genevieve I would like you to meet my cousin Tomas," Lorenzo said "Wow Daddy another relative we didn't know about, Anymore," Genevieve said, "Enough Genevieve you will not talk to me like that" Lorenzo said "Sorry," Genevieve said "You have a strong arm, You almost hit me," Tomas said "Sorry, But why didn't you use the door," Genevieve said "I don't know," Tomas said "It's nice to meet you, sir," Luis said "You too," Tomas said "Are you staying here" Skylar ask "I don't know," Tomas said "Your mother is going to take you all out of lunch, I want you to behave," Lorenzo said "Yes Daddy," Lila Rae said Skye help the children with their coats. "Mother why do I have to wear matching coats with my sisters," Genevieve asks "Because I like all of you to match," Skye said they were wearing brown fur coats and white gloves. "Where are we going for lunch," Skylar asks "The hotel, Let's go," Skye said as she took her children's hands."Lorenzo is safe" Skye said "I will," Lorenzo said they share a kiss, and Skye and the children left.

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