Finding You Part 4 ch 54

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Finding you part 4 ch 54~At Lorenzo coffee shop~ Lorenzo was there with the children who were having hot chocolate and he was having coffee. "Do you have any questions about you're mother's recovery?" Lorenzo asks "Is mother's skin ruined?" Lila Rae asks "No the skin will heal?" Lorenzo said "Good" Lila Rae said "Did you hire a nurse for Mother" Genevieve ask "I'm working on it and I will make sure it's the best one?" Lorenzo said, "What about Bobbie Spencer, Morgan's Grandmother she is a great nurse?" Lila Rae said "Maybe?" Lorenzo said as Carly came into the shop and Lorenzo looks at her. "I will be right back, Does anyone need anything" Lorenzo ask "I'm hungry," Luis Jr said, "Me too," Genevieve said "Alright I will get you some food" Lorenzo said he got up and went to see Carly. "Lorenzo how are things," Carly asked "Good Skye is going to recover at home," Lorenzo said "That's good, Are you going to hire a nurse" Carly ask "Yes," Lorenzo said "You sure hire my mother she will give Skye the best care," Carly said "Why do you care about my wife" Lorenzo ask "Yes in the past Skye and I didn't get along but Skye is also a mother and needs to recover for her children that's all," Carly said, "Tracy thinks you want me," Lorenzo said "No I'm not in love with you," Carly said "Good I love my wife," Lorenzo said "I know and I'm happy for you and Skye I'm," Carly said "You sure find someone," Lorenzo said "I may''Carly said Genevieve came up. "Daddy, We our hungry" Genevieve said "Alright, Go pick out anything you want," Lorenzo said "Come with us," Genevieve said "Genevieve you can order you're own food," Lorenzo said "It's okay I have to go anyway," Carly said "Good" Genevieve said Carly left. "Genevieve you were very rude," Lorenzo said "I don't care, I don't like her," Genevieve said "Genevieve, Carly and I are just friends," Lorenzo said "I know you used to be married to her," Genevieve said "You have nothing to worry about I love your mother, and stop google us or I will take your computer away," Lorenzo said "I'm sorry Daddy I just," Genevieve said "I know you're worried about Skye but it will be alright," Lorenzo said "Okay," Genevieve said "Now let's get some food," Lorenzo said

At General Hospital~Skye was sleeping when AJ came in. "I'm glad you're okay," AJ asks as Skye wakes up. "Sorry to wake you," AJ said "It's okay, So what is going on, Anything new I need something to get my mind off things," Skye said "Alright, You know those jeans you bought Genevieve," AJ said "Yes she had to have them she never been one for shopping why" Skye ask "Well it wasn't Chloe who made them it was Kate she put them under Chloe name and now Alexis is going to help us sue her," AJ said "Wow, I can't believe Kate went that low," Skye said "I know, Ned is hoping to get her company," AJ said "Who would run it" Skye ask as Ned came in. "You," Ned said "You want me to run Kate's company" Skye ask "Why not you would be great at it and you will get better," Ned said "I have a lot of the magazine and Jax company he left me till Josslyn gets older I can't do all and my children," Skye said "Just think about it," Ned said "I will, I can't believe Kate did this" Skye said "Me too but we will win," Ned said "Thanks, Ned, Tracy is up to something," Skye said "She is" Ned ask "Yes she told me that Alan wants her to watch over myself and the children but I can't trust her," Skye said "I will talk to her," Ned said "Thanks," Skye said "Don't worry about my mother just work on your recovery," Ned said "I will for my children and Lorenzo," Skye said "Yes, We need you, sis," AJ said Skye was tired. "We sure go and let you rest," AJ said "Alright," Skye said "We will be back later," Ned said AJ and Ned left.

In the hallway~" So what is going on why is Tracy looking out for Skye and her children beside her promise to Alan" Ned asks "All I know is Tracy saw Carly hit on Lorenzo" AJ said "Wow, How low" Ned said "I know I told Carly to back off" AJ said "If Lorenzo love Skye then we sure not have to worry about Carly" Ned said "Yes but it's the last thing my sister needs is to worry about Carly" AJ said "I agree" Ned said

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