Finding You part 4 ch 18

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Finding you part 4 ch 18~At Skye/Lorenzo~ Skye had just hung up the phone and was crying as Genevieve came in. "Oh Mother I had the best day ever with Alexander it was the perfect date," Genevieve said "That's nice," Skye said she wasn't looking at Genevieve. "Oh nothing can ruin this day," Genevieve said as Skye looked at her. Genevieve could tell that Skye was upset. "I will get ready for dinner," Genevieve said "Genevieve aren't you going to ask me why I'm upset" Skye ask "Why would I do that" Genevieve ask "That's what you do, I need to work with you on your social skills," Skye said "No you don't," Genevieve said as Luis and Lila Rae and Skylar came in. "Mother did you find out about your father" Luis ask "Yes you're father was shot," Skye said "Is Daddy okay" Lila Rae ask "Yes the jet is going to bring him back to General Hospital, I need all of you to stay here with Jamie," Skye said "Why can't we go to the hospital with you" Luis ask "It's going to be a long night," Skye said "It's okay," Luis said "Alright," Skye said "Who shoots Daddy" Skylar ask "I don't know," Skye said "It's not going to be the first time Daddy will get shoot because of who he is," Genevieve said Skye was upset and lean toward Genevieve and touch her chin. "Don't ever say that again?"Skye said "Well it's true, Just this time he was lucky," Genevieve said "Genevieve Rae! Enough" Skye yelled Skye took her hand and they left.

At General Hospital~ Alan was working when Lorenzo came in on a stretch. "Oh Great, Why sure I save you" Alan ask as Skye came in with the children. "Lorenzo, You're going to be okay, The doctors will remove the bullet and you will come home with me and the children we all love you and need you," Skye said as she brush his hair with her fingers. "I love you too," Lorenzo said as Patrick came in. "Patrick can you save my husband," Skye asks "Yes," Patrick said Lorenzo was wheeled into surgery. "Skye," Alan said "I hope Lorenzo makes this, and I hope Faith didn't do it," Skye said as Tomas came in. "Tomas what happened" Skye ask "Faith shoot him," Tomas said "Did you know Faith was alive, Was this a set up" Skye ask "Yes, Faith and I were lovers," Tomas said Skye slap Tomas. "So Lorenzo's father isn't alive" Skye ask "No," Tomas said "You bastard! Skye yelled and she keeps him on the chest as AJ came in and pull Skye off him. "Skye stop it, Lorenzo we'll be okay," AJ said "He better be! I can't lose him, I love that man" Skye yelled and fell into her brother's arms as Genevieve watch she swear she would not let love make her weak and vulnerable like that. AJ helps Skye sit down with the children. "Mother Daddy will be fine," Lila Rae said "Yes he will," Skylar said "Yes your father will find, "Skye said "Yes Mother," Genevieve said

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