Finding You part 4 ch 63

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Finding you part 4 ch 63~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was in bed in the sunroom when Lorenzo came in. "Skye do you need anything" Lorenzo ask "No," Skye said Lorenzo sit down by Skye. "Lorenzo, are you okay" Skye ask "Yes I'm fine," Lorenzo said "You look tired," Skye said "A little but I will be fine and soon you will," Lorenzo said he took Skye hand and kiss it? "I hope so," Skye said

Genevieve was in the living room dusting her hair was a mess when Tracy came in. "Genevieve what are you doing" Tracy ask she was shocked by how Genevieve looked. "I have to help the maids clean the house," Genevieve said "Come and tell me why," Tracy said Genevieve stop dusting and went to talk to Tracy. "What is it Aunt Tracy" Genevieve ask "Why are you cleaning that's the maids' job" Tracy ask "I got in trouble at school," Genevieve said "What did you do" Tracy ask "I got caught cheating on a test in math class," Genevieve said "How did you cheat" Tracy ask "Alexander Cassadine help me he give me a paper with the answers and I copy it", Are you mad at me Aunt Tracy" Genevieve ask "No, But you're a Quartermaine you sure know how to cheat," Tracy said "Yeah," Genevieve said "Yes, So you have to help the maids clean" Tracy ask "Yes I been cleaning all day," Genevieve said "Well I'm going to fix this, Where are you're parents' Tracy ask "In the sunroom," Genevieve said Tracy left.

In the Sunroom~Skye was in bed and Lorenzo was sitting by her holding her hand. "Do you think we are doing the right thing by Genevieve?" Skye asks "No way in hell are you?"Tracy said as she came in.  "Tracy what are you talking about" Skye ask "I came to check on you and I'm glad I did, I heard what Genevieve did, Yes it was wrong but she a Quartermaine we cheat and she sure not be cleaning that's a maids job and if you let this go she is going to turn into one and hate you for it," Tracy said "You have no right to judge us about our parenting skills, You didn't raise Dillon," Skye said "I know that this is a hard punishment, " Tracy said "How dare you come in here and judge us! Lorenzo yelled "Genevieve try to cheat it's not the worst thing she has ever done," Tracy said as Genevieve came in her hair was a mess and her dress Tracy pull her into her arms. "Look at this child, Look what you did to her! Just take her phone away or TV let that be enough" Tracy said "Thanks Aunt Tracy but I can fight my own battles" Genevieve said "We are Quartermaine we fight and stand by each other, Skye you are a Quartermaine and you know I'm right" Tracy said "Leave" Lorenzo said he got up and walk by Tracy. "Let me show you the door," Lorenzo said "Daddy," Genevieve said "It's okay Genevieve," Lorenzo said "Yes it is, Genevieve don't forget you're an heiress," Tracy said "I will not, Thanks For trying Aunt Tracy," Genevieve said "You're welcome," Tracy said she left with Lorenzo.

"Genevieve why do you like Tracy" Skye ask, "She is a strong woman and a businesswoman, Mother I don't get why you two don't like each other, She like you were strong," Genevieve said "I'm still a strong businesswoman," Skye said "Yeah," Genevieve said "Is this hard you cleaning" Skye ask "I don't like it," Genevieve said as Lorenzo came in. "You're not supposed to like it," Lorenzo said "Yeah, Can I go upstairs and shower" Genevieve ask "Yes," Lorenzo said "Genevieve next time don't wear you're dressing while you clean," Skye said "Yes Mother," Genevieve said  Genevieve left. "Skye," Lorenzo said "What if Tracy is right" Skye ask "She not, We promise we would not spoil our children too much to think they can get away with anything," Lorenzo said "I just don't want Genevieve to think we don't love her," Skye said "She will not,"Lorenzo said

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