Finding You part 4 ch 47

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Finding you part 4 ch 47~At Lorenzo coffee shop~Lorenzo was working when Nikolas came in. "We need to talk," Nikolas said "About what," Lorenzo asked "Our children," Nikolas said "Oh yes, Tell you're son he better not kiss my baby girl like that again," Lorenzo said "I did talk to Alexander about the kiss, I just want to make sure you don't hurt him," Nikolas said "Nikolas I'm not my brother I would never hurt a child," Lorenzo said "I believe you," Nikolas said "Good, I do think we sure set some rules for Genevieve and Alexander," Lorenzo said "I agree," Nikolas said, "Good," Lorenzo said his phone rang he pick it up." Lorenzo Alcazar", Oh No I will be there," Lorenzo said and hang up. "Is everything okay?" Nikolas asks "No, Skye went to see Rae at rehab and there was a fire, Alan and Skye, and Rae were hurt they are at the hospital?"Lorenzo said "No," Nikolas said they left.

At General Hospital~ Alan room~Patrick was working on Alan he was putting a bandage on him who had burns on him as Monica came in she didn't know Alan was a patient. "What do we have here," Monica asks Patrick turns around and looks at her. "Monica, You sure not be here," Patrick said "What is going on" Monica ask as Bobbie came by. "Monica, I need to talk to you in the hallway," Bobbie said "No what is it? Monica yelled and went by Alan and saw him all burn. "No! Monica yelled "Monica, Alan was burned all over there was a fire at the rehab center, I'm going to take care of Alan," Patrick said "You better! Who else was hurt" Monica ask "Rae and Skye," Bobbie said Monica turn to face Alan. "Alan you didn't come back to me just to leave me again. Please come back to me, I love you" Monica said as she kiss him.

In the hallway~Lorenzo and Nikolas came in. "I need to see my wife," Lorenzo said to a nurse as Bobbie came by."Bobbie where is my wife, How is she" Lorenzo asks "Robin is with Skye now, I will take you to her" Bobbie said "Did anyone die" Nikolas asks "No, Alan and Skye and Rae made it in time and the rest of the patient their" Bobbie said "Good" Nikolas said Lorenzo left with Bobbie as Emily came by."Emily how are you doing" Nikolas ask "I'm scared, I hope my father makes it," Emily said "He will recover," Nikolas said "I don't know it's bad," Emily said as Monica came in. "Mother I've been trying to call you," Emily said "I know, Your father is going to make it," Monica said "I hope so," Emily said they share a hug. "I called the family they sure be here soon," Emily said "Good" Monica said

In Skye's room~Skye was all covered with a bandage and being looked at by Robin when Lorenzo came in. "How is my wife, Robin I know you hate me but please save my wife, She is innocent of this my children need their mother," Lorenzo said "I will not lose my license to get back at you, I will make sure Skye makes it," Robin said "I hope so, How bad is it" Lorenzo ask "Skye has 2nd degree burns, We have to get her skin cover till it heals," Robin said "Can I be alone with my wife" Lorenzo ask "Sure," Robin said and left. "Oh Skye I'm so sorry to make you go to rehab I will find out what happened to you I love you so much, and I will get you the best treatments," Lorenzo said he took her hand as Skye woke up. "Lorenzo," Skye said "Skye, You're going to be okay," Lorenzo said "What happened, Why do I have bandages all over me where I'm" Skye ask "You're at the hospital you were in a fire, You have burns all over you but you will be fine," Lorenzo said "No, Rae and Alan" Skye ask "They are fine," Lorenzo said "I hope so,"Skye said

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