Chapter 11: Buffy Disappears

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Willow sat crying in Buffy's hospital room when Xander and Cordy finally showed up after Willow called them an hour ago.

"Willow, what was so pressing it couldn't wait?!" Cordy said exasperated.

"Well, if you really cared, Cordy, why did it take you and Xander an hour to get there!"

"We were, er, busy," Cordy said as she gave Xander a look.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Buffy seems to have disappeared."

"Gee, Willow, I'm sorry it took so long to get here." Xander apologized. "Where do you think Buffy is?"

"I know the answer to that question!" Spike said upon entering Buffy's hospital room.

"Spike, what do you have for us?" Willow asked.

"Buffy's been kidnapped."

"Buffy. Kidnapped." Willow replied in disbelief.

"Do you know who did it?" Cordy asked.

"It was Kralik. "Spike revealed. "I followed him to see where he'd taken Buffy, but I lost his trail."

While Willow, Spike, Cordy, and Xander took the news of Buffy's disappearance to the others, Buffy woke to find herself in strange surroundings.

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