Chapter 7 - Kralik's Revenge

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With Gunn dead, Sunnydale seemed to be at peace...for now.

But Kralik sought to seek revenge on Angelus for the death of Gunn.

As Angel held a distraught Buffy, who was thankful for saving her from Gunn, the two lovers kissed. The heat from their passion consumed them and they were oblivious to the hell that Kralik's minions were wreaking on Sunnydale.

To Angel and Buffy, time stopped for a moment....

"Angel! Buffy!" Spike hollered to them, which jolted them from their passion.

"Spike!" Angel said, at first irritated with him for ruining his moment of passion with Buffy, then held in his anger when he spied the minions wreaking havoc.

"What the...."

But Buffy, ever the loyal slayer, grabbed a spike from a nearby wood pile and began dusting off the minions, to Kralik's horror.

"Damn you, Buffy!"

Once the minions were diminished, thanks to Buffy, with the help of Angel and Spike, the three of them headed off to Giles' store for a little celebratory fun...when Buffy heard a voice and told Angel and Spike to go on ahead of her and she would meet them later.

As Angel and Spike headed toward Giles' store, Buffy went looking for the voice she heard.....

When someone grabbed her from behind and injected her with a needle that knocked her out....

When someone grabbed her from behind and injected her with a needle that knocked her out

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