Chapter 3: Evil

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She stood up, grinning. 'Wonderful new life...!' "I feel refreshed!"

Kralik: You are a thing like me now. And we are connected. Do you feel it...?

"I feel so many things...!" 'I can feel every body in this room, see every crack in the wall, see all of the colors, and my hearing is heightened. So overpowering!' "It's different."

"You're a Vampire."

"And I suppose I have to thank my sire...?"

"Naturally." She looked down at her clothes. "Got to get some leather!"

He took her to the park where she would meet a few teenagers.

She walked out smiling. "Hello boys...!" All of them looked her up and down with lust in their eyes. Soon, she'd be preying on them, making them entrée number 2.

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