Chapter 1

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The perspective alternates between Yuri (usually the beginning of the chapter) and reader's.
This chapter is entirely from Yuri's POV.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

"Just know that you'll rue the day!!" you shout your last warning and dash down the corridor.

What am I going to do? Yor has a husband who can protect her from meteors and nuclear bombs!! She doesn't need me anymore!!! I'm useless again!!!!

You run and run, around the corner, down the stairs, and along the next hall.

Denying the tears threatening to stain your cheeks, you wipe your sleeve across your eyes as you run onward.

You run until you hit another wall in your drunken stupor and collapse to the floor.

But walls don't speak.

Or at least, they shouldn't.

And floors aren't supposed to be this soft either.

A groan floats up from beneath the trench coat you had been carrying, muffled and unintelligible. You prop yourself up on one arm and, with blurred vision, fumble for your jacket and briefcase.

It suddenly occurs to you that the cushioning that broke your fall cannot possibly be the hardwood floors. But you're so dizzy you can't imagine what else it could be.

"My head..." is all you hear when you find the edge of the fabric and drag it towards you as you lean back on your knees.

Woozy and impaired by something hot and sticky coating your eyelids, you barely make out the figure of the body that lies under you.

A gentle touch cups your cheek.

A soft cloth dabs away the blood from your view.

A familiar face takes shape before you.


»»————- ♡ ————-««

It was your first day at work.

You had decided in your eighth year not to apply to the extended secondary school program and pursue university. Though you met all the requirements from grades to recommendations, you knew an extra two years in school on top of the funding required for a degree was far too much to ask of your beloved sister.

She had already sacrificed too much for you.

Despite being top of your class, you - like nearly all of your peers - applied for vocational training that would begin after your nineth year.

The contract was signed so that after your tenth year of polytechnical school, you would go on to do two or three years of vocational training. This was offered for every subject that was not taught at university, such as masonry, farming, accountancy, nursing, carpentry, butchery, etc.

Though fortunate enough to secure a position as a civil servant, this meant you would have to leave Neilsberg for Berlint. This also meant that, like the rest of your peers, you would be required to board during the apprenticeship.

Your only experience away from your family and your first time truly alone.

You weren't afraid of being on your own as much as you feared for Yor's safety and well-being. She was always the one looking after you, but you still didn't like the thought of her at home alone. Who knows what filth might attempt to harm her.

Rue the Day [Yuri Briar x f.Reader - SPY x FAMILY]Where stories live. Discover now