Chapter 9 (Smut!)

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  All Yuri's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It's bright. Too bright to be familiar. Too quiet to be your neighbourhood. Too warm to be your apartment. Too cozy to be your bed. But your head hurts too much to comprehend any of it.

Why does my head hurt so much anyway? Did I get hit by a car? Am I in the hospital?

Fingertips trace the pain at the source and are greeted by gauze and bandages. Reaching out and blinking, you find your hands are intact and no IV is present. You also belatedly realize there are no sleeves on your arms either, which leads you to suspect you've been put in a hospital gown.

Instead, bare skin tingles as you lift the sheets. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you open them once more to see that you are indeed completely naked. Confusion precedes panic - if you're not at home and you're not at a hospital, where could you possibly be?

Glancing around for an answer, your gaze settles on the lump of blankets next to you. A nagging feeling warns that you should be interested in the cushy pile, but why you should care at all is beyond your mental capacity right now. Your head stings under the plasters and aches deep within like you've had far too much alcohol for someone of your stature.

Before you can question what you were doing last night, nature calls and you unconsciously answer, shuffling to the washroom in a haze. As your senses waken one by one, you first notice the dry aftertaste of wine lingering on your tongue.

We took a bottle of Hungarian wine to Nee-san... to congratulate her? What ever for?

Attempting to locate the sink and soap, you fumble for the faucet in the dark until it occurs to you that there is probably a switch nearby. Instinctively, you wonder if the panel has been bugged - light switches being a common place to hide tiny radio transmitters.

SHIT! I forgot to bug Nee-san's place!! Wait... Why would I do that?

The answer comes instantly. She got married a year ago to god-only-knows-who-he-really-is Lottie and never told you.

Flipping the button on, you conclude that you must be at your sister's still. However, when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror and once again realize you're not clothed, you know that deduction can't be right.

In an effort to wake up - and hopefully revive your memories as well - you wash your face along with your hands. When you search for a towel from behind the large door of glass, you instead discover that blotchy marks christen your skin all over. It takes several minutes of close inspection to realize that their shape doesn't align with that of bruises from an accident.

Only when you stumble across a few on your shoulders that are accompanied by teeth marks does it fully hit you.

You had sex! Yuri, what have you done?! WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!!!! WHO THE FUCK DID I DO?!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts chase one another in circles, leaving you even more confused than when you walked into the bathroom twenty minutes ago. Working through the mystery, you wander out of the washroom and pick up your clothes from the floor on autopilot, stepping into the legs of your boxers and pants one by one.

Your shirt and belt, however, are nowhere nearby. Walking to the other side of the room, you find them on the floor in a terrible state. Staring down at the wrinkled shirt and leather belt, a distant feeling of struggling to break free draws you to the items. When you reach for the long strip and the pads of your fingers touch the smooth fabric, you suddenly remember being tied up.

Gradually your mind fits together the bites on your shoulders and the faint lines on your wrists you only just noticed. Skin hot, throat dry, and pulse shattering your eardrums, visceral memories of last night's ecstasy float one by one to the surface. While your nerves relive the incredible pleasure, your mind searches rapidly for the source - the who.

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