Chapter 3

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Yuri's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I just forgot...?" you stare at her in horror.

"Yup. It wouldn't be the last time either," she says blandly.

"Wait wait wait... There was another time??!!"

She laughs, but there's a fragile look in her eyes.

"There were many other times, Yuri."

Cradling your brow in one hand, you lean your elbow against the table. You try - desperately - to recall any such incidents, but your mind is fuzzy with the wine you chugged because of that damn Lotty and your head hurts terribly from smashing into the dresser twice.

All you can remember is how much you enjoyed working with her.

It was the first time you ever felt useful. Your sister sacrificed everything for you - and you would always be deeply grateful for that - but you could do nothing in return. You were dependent on Yor.

But Senpai, she relied on you.

Nothing compared to the smile she wore when you fulfilled your duties. She gave you responsibility after responsibility, and you worked night and day to meet her expectations because it was worth it. She appreciated you, made you feel like you mattered, showed you that you could do anything if you worked hard enough.

Of course, your dear sister praised you. Of course, you worked hard for her. You still do your best to this very day to ensure she can be safe and happy in the country in which she lives. But she'll never know about that. All you could do after graduating high school was send home money. Sure, she appreciated it. Sure, she was proud of you. But she would never need you.

Especially not now that she's married...

You wanted to be the person Senpai could turn to for help, the one who never let her down, the one she needed.

"The second time was probably the worst of them all," she tells you, eyes flitting to the ceiling as she recalls.

Hesitantly, you dare to ask what you did. You'd rather not know, but maybe it will jog your memory.

"The second time you had just come back from lunch with one of our co-workers, and you were dumb enough to have a digestif after the meal. Any normal person would be fine, but you got absolutely sloshed. You made an excuse that you had some paperwork for me and barged into my office while I was in a meeting, then demanded I marry you in front of the ambassador to Bulgaria."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Reader's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Senpai! These documents are for you! They're very important - but that's just a lie I made up to get in here - Please, marry me!!!"

You cannot believe your ears. There is no way you just heard what you think you heard. No one in their right mind would say something like that at work, in public, in the middle of a high stakes meeting... Right?!

"Mr. Briar, I'm in a meeting with the ambassador!! Please leave," you answer him as calmly as you can manage.

"Not until you give me your answer!" he practically shouts.

"The answer is no!! Now get out!!" You are appalled.

"Why not!!" He's actually shouting now.

"Oh. My. God. I'm going to kill you, Yuri," you mutter under your breath. "Sir, I'm so sorry for the intrusion. Please, excuse me."

As you walk across the room to the idiot threatening your career, you just barely hear the ambassador mumble, "This is why we shouldn't have women in the office..."

Before you can even process what he said or how demeaning it is, Yuri is already one step away from the man, fist clenched and hand about to grab him by the collar. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO HER, YOU YANKEE TRAITOR?!"

"YURI!" you manage to yell just in time to draw his attention. Taking him by the hand, he becomes instantly pliant, following you like a puppy. Shoving him out the door and shutting it behind you, you whisper scream at him in the hallway.

"You're making a fool of me! Are you doing this deliberately?!"

Trying to push past you and get to the door, he grumbles loudly, "Lemme in there!! Women and men are equal in this country!! I'll give that anticommunist dog what for!!! How dare he insult you like that!!"

At this proximity you can smell the mint on him. Peppermint schnaps. "You're drunk again, aren't you?" you snap, finally gaining his attention.

"I am not!" he retorts, tone earnest.

Pointing a finger at his chest, you back him into the wall on the opposite side of the corridor. "I swear on your grave, Yuri Briar. If this deal with Bulgaria goes south, I will have your head on a platter!"

Yuri nods frantically, eyes wide and mouth finally zipped shut. Despite being over half a head taller than you, he visibly trembles at your threat. As you step back, you notice another visceral reaction to you pushing him around - a very obvious hard on.

Pinching the bridge of your nose and taking a very deep breath, you walk down the hall to one of the other offices and slam open the door. "Klein!!! Get over here. You got him wasted, you tie him up or take him home!!"

The blonde looks at you dumbfounded for a split second before realising that you only lose it when all hell has already broken loose. "Yes ma'am!"

"If I see him on this floor again today, I'll have your head too. Now get!"

You watch as Klien drags Yuri around the corner before returning to the meeting room to somehow, you pray, mend this relationship and continue the bargaining.

Fortunately, you still had the whole weekend to wine and dine the ambassador into signing the free trade agreement. Outside of the three of you, no one else heard what Yuri said in that room. You wanted to keep it that way, so you never brought up the incident again.

Much to your disbelief, however, Yuri never apologized. He apologizes to you daily about the simplest things; forgetting a paper clip - I'm sorry, Senpai!! I wont do it again! Less than impeccable penmanship - I'm so sorry my notes are hard to read! I'll redo them from scratch if you like!! Actually missing a document - one would think you had threatened torture.

It was then that you understood it had to be the alcohol - that he forgets everything when he gets drunk. After that incident, you decided to put the whole thing behind you and pledged you'd never let him drink again in your presence.

Rue the Day [Yuri Briar x f.Reader - SPY x FAMILY]Where stories live. Discover now