Our Promise

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Chapter Two

Our Promise



March 13, 2000

Silence, full on dropped jaw hush mouth from his ever cool, ever calm, never rattled bestie.

Sasuke kept a tight rein on his thoughts and emotions, protecting both behind a high wall very few ever reached the other side of. Naruto himself had only snuck a peek a handful of times, the view this time was the most he'd ever seen. His lips twitched up as he watched the tragedy, repulsion and curiosity on Sasuke's face, reading every potent thought as easily as a book. Dark eyes bore into mirth filled blue, questioning, calculating, putting two and two together and getting four thousand and forty-one.

Naruto waited.

"You killed him."

Naruto chuckled, taking another drag, "yep-"


"Last night."

Bowled over by his candid admission, Sasuke flopped to the couch, eyes as wide as the THC would allow.


Naruto snorted a laugh , "I told you I would, dattebayo."

"I know but...fuck."

Naruto handed him the joint, poor bastard looked like he really needed it. Sasuke took it without a word, gratefully cheifing, calming with each smoke laden exhalation.

"You're a fuckin psychopath, you know that?" he said after several minutes.

"Sociopath," the blonde corrected, rescuing his weed.

He knew what he was, he'd played twenty questions with enough psychiatrist, psychologists and therapists to know the ins and outs of his most prominent diagnosis, unofficially since technically he wasn't allowed to wear that label until he turned eighteen but, his head doctors were pretty sure he was 'suffering' from anti-social personality disorder. He was too young to claim that title, that didn't stop them from letting him know in no uncertain terms that it would certainly belong to him as soon as humanly possible.

He displayed the sign and symptom in spades; barely a moral compass to speak of, wouldn't know guilt if it smacked him in the face, didn't think twice about using any and everyone to get what he wanted, shockingly stunted range of emotions, capacity to care severely lacking, his ability to form bonds and relationships laughable at best, his temper nasty and embarrassingly short, he had a hard time walking the straight and narrow, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

Long story short, he was a sociopath, the world he lived in was vastly different and he wasn't looking to change.

"Did he recognize you?"

"Yep," he grinned, "looked me dead in the eye. His eyes got all wide and shit, you know that stuff you read in books about a person 'going pale', that's shit's real, he looked like a fuckin' ghost he was so white," he sighed, leaning back against the sofa, relishing that moment, "I slept so fuckin good when I got back, laid on the couch and swear to God I fell asleep soon as my head touched the pillow."

Sasuke shook his head, "fuckin crazy."

Guilty as charged.

"You didn't answer me, we doin' Itachi or no?"

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