Lay Low

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Chapter Three

Lay Low



April 1, 2000

They were waiting for him when he got to school.

His case worker and two on campus security guards he recognized, Danzo's two favorite clowns.

Naruto clicked his teeth,"fuck."

Probably too late to haul ass.

Dark eyes shifted, spotting him amongst the crowd, spearing him with the old, 'if you run, you're gonna regret it, kid' look.

Definitely too late.

"Told you not to cut class," Sasuke muttered beside him.

The boys slowed, Sasuke moving slightly ahead, blocking the blonde's right hand as they walked forward.

"You, Principal Cripple, that bitch Iruka, you're all like the diarrhea mouth mothers I never wanted. I dip out for a reason, ya know. I'm doing everybody a favor," he complained, reaching into his pocket, "know what happens when I don't take a few days off and chill, when I show up to class every goddamn day? I get pissed off and flip the fuck out. You motherfuckers want me in a desk, I show up, shit goes south and suddenly I'm the bad guy, I'm the one that's got a fuckin problem," he grunted, tugging a small bag of Addy from his jeans and slipping it stealthy to Sasuke, "there's six in there, half and half."

"You want me to save you three for however long your ass is gonna be on probation?" Sasuke clarified, pocketing the bag, "just get more when you don't have Jiraiya up your asshole."

"Those are different. Took 'em off Itachi," he confessed quietly, lips stretched in a conspiratorial grin, "they're special, 'ttebayo."

"Dumbass," Sasuke hissed, "does this look like a safe place to talk about that?"

Nobody was paying them any attention, still, douche had a point. There were cops on the premises, and Itachi's 'brutal slaying' had already made the news. That was the last name that needed to come out of either of their mouths.

"My bad."

"Think he's gonna take you back to detention?"

Naruto glanced at the tall, white-haired man standing at the top of the school entrance steps. His warted nose wasn't scrunched but his lips were thinned, his arms were crossed but that little line in his forehead wasn't all that deep in his skin.

He looked annoyed to be here but not irate.

If Jiraiya was here to have his ass locked up, he'd have been chewing nails over another round of paperwork and court dates.

"Nah, think he's just gonna bitch, shake me down and throw a drug test at me," which he was gonna fail so fuckin hard, "then he's gonna bitch some more and put me on probation again."

"Need me to clean your locker out?"

"Uhhhh," he wracked his brain, trying to remember if he had anything in there that could get him hemmed up, "should be fine. I don't really hide shit in there anymore. Principal Cripple's too fuckin nosy for all that."

That weirdo was itching for a reason to fuck with him, Naruto wasn't gonna give him ammunition. He had to be careful, even regular school shenanigans was risky Sasuke said. They needed to lay as low as dirt for the next few months and watch the headlines for any signs that he or Sasuke were under scrutiny.

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