All In A Day's Work

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Chapter Ten

All In A Day 's Work


March 23, 2012

"You in that much of a rush?" Sasuke asked as Naruto strolled by him.

The bare skin blonde strutting with more confidence than his attorney did in his two million yen suit.

Naruto flashed a cheeky grin, but said nothing.

Shaking his head, Sasuke fell in step beside him.

The den was a large, living room space he'd had added on to the Shed a few years ago. Set two steps lower than the foundation floor, the den was more of a drink and chill spot than a living room. Shiny wood floors, a long black semi-circular couch sat in the center of the room curved around a low hardwood coffee table. Opposite the couch, a wide screen TV dominated the gray wall, bracketed by mounted surround sound. A few feet behind the couch, a home bar lined with a row of black stools, and a pool table sat left of the couch. A massive, black iron, glass dining table sat center left of the room, right beside a half kitchen built into the far corner.

Tsunade sat on a stool in the middle of the oak wood bar table, throwing back shots like she was dying of thirst and the only liquid that could quench it was copious amounts of the finest vodka money could buy. She was on her way to wasted though, there was a wet spot on her black shirt and another on her matching, form fitted pants, though most telling, she was missing one of her orange scrunchies, leaving one side of her of her pigtails loose.

"Shoulda known you were gonna be in here gettin' smashed, Doc," Naruto chuckled.

Flush faced, Tsunade turned narrowed honey eyes to him, looked him up and down, then snorted a laugh as she said, with just a hint of a slur, "butt ass naked and covered in blood, sounds about right. To what honor do we owe today's bloody birthday-suit strut?"

Grinning, Naruto lifted his bloody hands, and shrugged his broad shoulders in a 'shit happens, what can ya do?' gesture then said, "found a copy cat in my yard, had to put him out of his misery, dattebayo. Problem is, I'm on a tight time table today, and since I couldn't put off the meeting another week," he gave Sasuke a pointed look, "figured I'd come get the heavy lifting out of the way then hop in the shower."

Having lost interest two swallows ago, Tsunade hummed a distracted acknowledgment of his explanation as she poured herself another drink.

"Try not to get too shit-faced, Doc," Naruto warned, eying her newest refill, "we got shit to talk about."

Threading fingers through her loose hair, she made short work of that shot too, tangerine nail polish peeking though the long curtain of blond locks.

"Takes more than this to knock me down, Nine," she returned, the slur a little less pronounced.

"Like a fish," Kisame injected, his large bulk moving to rest against the bar beside Tsunade.

Tsunade snorted a laugh, the amused chortled echoed by Kurotsuchi leaning against the wall next to the pool table.

Tsunade may drink like a fish, but Kisame looked like a damn fish.

It was amazing what cosmetic surgery could do, and even more amazing the lengths people were willing to go to look the way they wanted.

Though Naruto didn't get the appeal of paying to look like a fish.

"Guess you'd be the authority on all things fishy, huh, Shark?" Tsunade giggled into her shot glass.

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