The Waiting Game

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Chapter Fourteen

The Waiting Game


March 24, 2012

She was avoiding him now, pretending the small surge of people currently funneling into Teuchi's needed more attention than they actually did, stopping at his table only long enough to blush and ask if he needed anything else. Naruto was buzzing too fuckin hard to find it anything but fuckin adorable. Like a frightened bunny that just escaped the jaws of a predator by an inch of its fluffy little tail now wandering around in a pitiful daze after its near death experience, tiptoeing around the still present danger yet too afraid to run for fear of setting off the beast again.

She had good instincts, he'd give her that.

Probably sensing, on some level, that he was keyed up from their interaction and liable to move the timeline of their 'date' to here and now.

That was his mistake.

He hadn't factored in the rush he'd get when she gave into him, or how fucking sexy it was to watch her cave and agree to be his.

The fact that she resisted at all only added fuel to the fire.

His cock ached within its current purgatory between hard and soft, trending toward turgid hardness every time he replayed her brief moment of internal conflict.

Pearly white teeth worrying her bottom lip, eyes darting to the side as her cheeks flushed, Naruto found himself obscenely fascinated with her silent battle, feasting on her emotions as they shifted her soft, pixie features into a range of emotion driven expressions he could only identify thanks to Old Man Crippled's mostly successful short class on psychophysiology designed to help him piece together nonverbal information expressed through emotions he himself rarely if ever experienced.

Naruto would argue he didn't need a minute of that training to read Hinata.

She was as clear as glass to him.

Every thought she believed private was shouted over a megaphone.

Every physical twitch of distress was enlarged beneath a magnifying glass.

Every potently addicting angelic attribute that made up her personality cataloged for his convenience.

Quite a few of which were his personal favorites to view.

Erotic sweetness, slutty honesty, pornographic sincerity, it was all splayed across her pretty face for him to glut himself on.

Watching her struggle to turn him down today had felt new and exciting.

Like discovering some filthy, exotic sex act he'd never heard of, and for a guy that had seen it all and done it all, experiencing something new was like rediscovering the euphoric rush of snorting premium quality coke, buzzin' on molly, head lulled back with some bitch's lips wrapped around his dick, sucking like there was a Dyson vacuum at the back of her throat all over again.

Naruto was just as high right now, acutely aroused by the moral conflict she'd left naked and exposed right in front of him.

Denying one's own desire was taboo in the world of Naruto.

There was no logic in it to his mind.

Want something, why the fuck wouldn't you just take it and fuck everything else?

Naruto didn't resist anything he wanted, he fought, connived and schemed to possess any object of his desire, no matter who had to pay the price tag for his selfish avarice.

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