
167 6 1

Asked for: no

Information:  y/n and Ranboo are together and tell each other everything.

Pronouns :  she/her

Whos pov: y/n's, no pov


Y/ns pov :

I woke up at 6am so that i could leave with no traffic, i wanted to go to this small little woodsy area so i could take nice photos and find cool stuff!!

I loves this little woods spot it was calming and this one spot of so beautiful! Ranboo and i found it when we were going for a weird 2am walk.

( why when i type ranboo my phone thinks i wanna type ranboo.exe.  ??)

I was was walking to our spot when i found this shiny thing in the dirt. I got down on my hands and knees  not caring that my pants/knees got dirty, i dug into in the dirt...a Crystal!!

I loved crystals and pretty things stuff. I continued to dig with my hands till i found 5 crystals, and 3 cool purple,gray and white rocks. I knew ranboo would love this stuff!

After i wiped my hands and pants/knees off i walked around holding the objects in my right hand leaning against my side stomach. I walked over to this small bush where there were pretty flowers, i picked one and put it in my right hand to.

After i got some more flowers and pretty leaf's, i walked back to my car and started to drive off.

( at the ranboo household in the uk sense i think he moved)
I ran inside up to His house and knocked at the door. " hello?" His mother said while opening the door, " oh hello y/n! Marks up in there room" she said letting me up stairs.

I walked up the stairs and slowly opend his door, stepping in slowly.

" See you later chat!!!" Ranboo said to the stream before ending it and turning around due to the door sound " y/n?"

No pov:

Y/n walked over to the tall person adjusting her hands together to show ranboo the pretty things she found for them. Her bright smile shining waiting for approval or even just a word out him the tall teens mouth.

" you found this stuff?" Ranboo asked

" yeah "

" it looks cool!"

Ranboo said there last word before leaning down amd kissing the girls forehead before saying " im a go get some water, you can organize them on my desk if you would like?", then walking out of the room.

Y/n smiled so bright, and walked to his desk organizing the items in a pretty circle before sitting down on there chair and scrolling threw Instagram waiting for the teen to get back.


WORDS : 514

Hello! Welcome to the first one-shots chapter!! Tell me what you think and please say any request! Even if you think i wont do it i most likely will! I literally have no life at all so like, ill do it!!

Eat heathy food, drink lots of water, amd get good good sleeep!!! <3

Lol just changed he/him to they/themselves in here



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