Preference #2

106 1 0

How he'd react to you comeing out to different things


- "me to"
-continues to go on Twitter
- tweets " homosexual > heterosexual "

Trans ( mtf)

- " wait- how much is top or bottom surgery?"
- " thats not to much! Ill pay.."
-" no no ill do it!"
-" shut the hell up im doing it"
- brings up paying for surgery's how of the blue when you feel sad about not havening "woman" body parts

( something i do to my ftm friend I WILL FOCKING PAY FOR HIS TOP SURGERY!!)

Trans ( ftm)

-" i can help you cut your hair, or better i can help style it, ya know dont use a curler they dont work. Straighteners work better"

- goes out of his way to give you clothes he likes from the " masculine " store section to give you better style

- will claim to " toe box" anyone who miss uses your pronouns or new name


-" i mean i could set you up with my cousin or something?"

- constantly trye to set you up

- *at a movie store* " I see your looking at princess movies! Well i have this pretty princess right here! If you like princess!"

- " i do not think she likes you "

- lots of "advise"

- " no no! You need to be confident but not to confident idoit"
"idk just do it"

- " Theres this girl at this bus stop everyday and she has a Lesbian pin on her bag should i hook yall up?"


-" so they/them?.. okay cool"
" wait- could i call you it so then youd be like the IT clown... no? cool"

- will " fight any boost bussy chicky who miss used your pronouns" his words man

- corrects anyone " Hey Girllll"
"no no no. Hey lamp posttt"
" what-?"
" no girls here. Only lamp posts"*proceeds to roll his eyes*


( A person who is Attracted to all genders while haveing a preference" i like boys and girls but i prefer to date girls" like that)

- Ranboo would constantly give what gender you prefer your phone number

- " So Princess and Princes but mostly princes?" " yes ranboo" "
That was easy, why'd you get all worked up?"

- lots of hugs ( just because there nice )


" mmm no princess peach is better looking" " y/n! This is why you have no girlfriend"


- " mm no no im not
Going to make a joke
About you likeing pans...we
All like pans not special "

- constantly laughing at Pink,yellow and blue when put next to each other

-" heh look y/n"

( i just looked up sexualitys and meanings, and this popped up do please tell me if its not considered a sexuality)

- likes to help you with tinder

- " Arnt there bars for people who are polly?"
" Mark im under age"

- Will "girl boss " fight anyone who says its cheating


Words : 535


My lfriend just texted me

" 🤟" which means " i love you" in ASL
and its our thing.

I forgot what it ment because im in wattpad mind set rn so i sent " 💪🤡💪" then deleted it because i remembered

Then i sent "🤘" which idk what it means then finally sent "🤟" back

The convo


'Deleted ^"





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