Preference 1#

136 1 0

Sleep overs include!


Painting his nails
Black ofc or a pretty dark purple
It makes everyone look better

Why not? All wrapped in a blankets warm amd toasty sounds nice L

Convincing Ranboo to have a finn wolfhard movie marathon. Dam hes a catch

-prank calls
Prank calling tommy and telling him some weird thing then him freaking out

-sneaking out to a 7/11
Jumping out his window, runing to the 7/11, getting slushys and sitting at the park would be bomb

-playing hide and seek in the dark, outside

" y/n!! * 10 minutes later* okay where are im scared" * 15 minutes later* " im serious!! Please come out!"

" BOO"
" JJajwnwjiwuue"

Im just saying

-pillow fort
Just running around and finding pillows then makeing a fort and ending the night sleeping in it all cuddled up


ords : 141
Watching IT for the 16th time 😍😍

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