Preference #3

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How he'd react to you crying randomly

In public

- you started crying while stareing off

-" y/n... you okay?" He would whisper

- hugs you once your tears become more relevant

- running his hand threw your hairs

-" do you wanna talk now?"

- " *your reason*"

-pulls out a little thing of putting

-" Eat up darling!"

-" Ranboo what the f-fuck!!"

- he made you laugh

Walks in on you crying alone

- you were crying on the bathroom floor because of family problems

- he knocked because he herd sniffles

-Mark just Walks over and hugs you

- The boy whispers little things to make you feel better.

-" I love you y/nnn" "they don't deserve you" " there living in your world girlfriend " " you smell good today if it makes you feel better"

- the last two make you laugh

Crying in the middle of the night

- you were silently crying with small sniffles here and there

-he woke up

-" Are you okay Darling?"

- you stayed quiet

-" I know your awake"

- you flipped over to be faced to face

- he wrapped his lanky arms around you tightly

- you cried in to him

-playing with your hair


Words :469

The first one happed in my actual life. My friend was crying during lunch and my best friend was comforting her.

After school That Best friend and I got in to a argument about it. He thought I was laughing at her. I was laughing at the fact that he pulled a putting out of no where. I then cried for 1 hour+ because I was so distraught.
I couldn't handle that the fact that he got mad at me, he never has. It all so made me think that he thought I was a bad friend.

I needed a hug so bad during that time, I needed one hug. I cried for 1 hour+ because of it. He means the world to me amd just knowing that I made him mad was the worst thing ever amd I couldn't handle that. He means so much to me, I hope he reads this book like he did with my ranboo book because then he'll see this. I could never tell him that he means this much to me but it's true. I love him more then I love myself which isn't saying much but I need him. He's my best friend and sometimes only friend.

I hated makeing him mad, it felt like he was disappointed in me. That's worse then mad and it hurts you guys. Don't make your friends disappointed in you, it hurts to much for you.

Hi Ar if you do read this!! Prob not

Eat🐀 healthy foods, drink lots of water

I love youuu!!

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