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A big grey cloud surrounded us, and just like that, the rest of the class was gone and it was just me, Bakugou and death. He was mad and taking this out on me, I knew I could die if he was in a state like this, and Pollen couldn’t help me. But as I manoeuvred around and attempted to doge Bakugou’s attacks, Mr Aizawa’s yells were faint and distant.
I couldn’t tell where he was, or where Bakugou was, I hoped that it was the same for him and I had time to figure this out, or I would die here. He was angry, more angry than I’ve ever seen him, or anyone has ever seen him and that’s some stuff when you take into account that Midoriya’s known him since Preschool. It went silent. I could hear my own heart sprinting a marathon in my chest as I tried to keep calm, so I could figure something out.
What made it worse, was that it was an overly hot day, so Bakugou would be sweating more than average and his explosive quirk runs off, nitrate acid or something like that was the basis of his quirk and the more sweat, the stronger he was. It was normally 30 to 33 degrees celsius around here, but today was more like 35 degrees celsius.
I tried to stay as quiet as I could. I couldn’t use my electricity, I had to be able to see where he was to use it and if I missed, he’d be able to pinpoint my location and it would create a flash, he’d see me and go for me. “Bakugou! Kaminari!” I heard Mr Aizawa yelling. He was doing everything he could to get me out of this situation.
I needed to find out where Bakugou was without him knowing where I was or having a false sense of my location. Miss direction is something that could be something that’s helpful to use with my quirk, same with Shinsou. I pointed my arm right in front of me and fired before sprinting a couple of metres away and out of the firing zone. I was a bright orange flash and I saw a shadow in the clouds. I aimed my arm and out of the smoke came Bakugou, roaring. “30 million volts.” I whispered and shot at Bakugou who didn’t see me until it was too late. “Fuuuuuck!” He yelled in pain as he was electrocuted. He fell to the ground and shook for a few moments before lying still, breathing shallowly. I was dizzy and I was twitchy. I knew I’d short circuited, going beyond my limit. I fell from my feet to my knees and kinda just chilled there, the smoke cleared and I heard voices. “Kaminari!” That was Mr Aizawa.
“Kamibro!” That was Kirishima. “Bro, are you good?” That was Sero. I heard Deku going off into evaluate - the - quirk mode and I knew he was taking mental notes. I felt hands slide under my arms and pull me, walking me away. “Hey.” Jirou smiled. “Whey.” Was all I could muster. She laughed. “We need to talk about my girlfriend later.” She whispered to me. “Whey.” I replied. “Yeah, you’re right.” Jirou replied, having no idea what ‘whey’ was, but she was my best friend, she just went with it now.

I rubbed my temple, thinking back on the moments only hours beforehand, my fight with Bakugou, walking away with Jirou. I now sat alone on a hospital bed. Recovery girl was over with Bakugou, I’d given him a nasty shock, all I knew was that he was on an IV.
Jirou walked and plonked down on the bed next to me. “We have to talk about my girlfriend now.” She told me and I smiled. “What’s her name?” I asked. “You know her.” She gave me a clue. “I know lots of women.” I laughed. “She’s in our class.” “It’s Momo isn’t it?” I asked and she nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me that the crush was her?” I asked. “Cause then you’d slip it to Mina and Mina would tell her and didn’t want that until I’d outed myself to her and asked her out myself.” Jirou explained and I nodded.
“That’s the reason you don’t tell me anything.” I sighed and Mr Aizawa walked in and stood in the doorway. “Glad to see you’re doing well.” He said, “I’m alive, that’s the main thing I guess.” I replied. “When did you get so smart.” Jirou elbowed me in the arm and I elbowed her back. “Oh stuff off.” I laughed. I looked back at Mr Aizawa. “How’s Bakugou?” I asked. “I’m fine, Dunce Face.” Bakugou yelled, standing just behind Mr Aizawa. He was in casual clothes and I could still see the connecting in his hand that had connected him to an IV. “You can’t take me out.” He laughed.
“Wasn’t trying to.” I replied. “I know, just be careful next time damnit.” He said and walked off. “What the hell?” I asked. “I didn’t do shit.” I exclaimed. Mr Aizawa shook his head and then turned to me. “I’m gonna let you off with that once.” I said, pointing his index finger at me. “Yes Sensei.” I replied. He walked out of the room and my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw Max’s name flash across the screen. And emoji had been sent as well.
A bee.

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